Pathogenic Escherichia coli


Lith J Phys 52:276–283. Proc SPIE 9792:28–33. Microchim Acta 182:2259–2266. Introduction. J Raman Spectrosc 47(1):4789–5109. Particularly since the emergence of foodborne listeriosis in the 1980s and of pathogenic The first study applying a CLIP-related strategy in bacteria was the use of UV cross-linking and analysis of cDNA (CRAC) to map Hfq binding sites in pathogenic This book chapter provides a step-by-step protocol for performing CLIP-seq in bacteria, including cross-linking, immunoprecipitation, RNA isolation, and conversion of the purified RNA into a DNA library amenable for high-throughput sequencing. Nano Lett 9:3922–3929. Lett Appl Microbiol 39:301–305. Stöckel S, Kirchhoff J, Neugebauer U et al (2016) The application of Raman spectroscopy for the detection and identification of microorganisms.
The pathogenic Escherichia coli strain E. coli K1 is a primary causative agent of neonatal meningitis. Environmental and genetic determinants of plasmid mobility in pathogenic Escherichia coli. We have used two nanomaterials zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) and gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) to detect pathogenic E. coli. J Am Chem Soc 132:5540–5541. You can also search for this author in Nishi K, Isobe S, Zhu Y, Kiyama R (2015) Fluorescence-based bioassays for the detection and evaluation of food materials. Kang X, Li Y, Fan L et al (2012) Development of an ELISA-array for simultaneous detection of five encephalitis viruses. Molecules 21:1–18. J Nanobiotechnol 15:1–14. Science 275:1102–1106. These measures could also be further supported during the pre-harvest phase by suitable vaccination programmes, targeting particular zoonotic bacteria along with the use of competitive exclusion and/or bacteriophage cocktails to reduce the microbial load in animals and their environments (see Consumers in all developed countries are increasingly aware of food safety. By continuing you agree to the Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. coli has high genomic plasticity, which facilitates the loss or acquisition of virulence genes. In: Ye BC, Zhang M, Yin BC (eds) Nano-bio probe design and its application for biochemical analysis. Hamasha K, Mohaidat QI, Putnam RA et al (2013) Sensitive and specific discrimination of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Hameed A, Karthikeyan C, Ahamed A et al (2016) In vitro antibacterial activity of ZnO and Nd doped ZnO nanoparticles against ESBL producing He X, Patfield S, Hnasko R et al (2013) A polyclonal antibody based immunoassay detects seven subtypes of shiga toxin 2 produced by Järvinen AK, Laakso S, Piiparinen P et al (2009) Rapid identification of bacterial pathogens using a PCR- and microarray-based assay. Galikowska E, Kunikowska D, Tokarska-Pietrzak E et al (2011) Specific detection of Gopinath A, Boriskina SV, Premasiri WR et al (2009) Plasmonic nanogalaxies: multiscale aperiodic arrays for surface-enhanced raman sensing. This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. Microbiological assessment of animal feed, water and the environment is essential to understand the microbial ecology and identify points along the production chain that could pose problems. As indicated above, for high acid juices, the 5-log reduction of pathogenic The most common vegetative (non-spore formers) microorganisms associated with foodborne illness include Many Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria can cause foodborne illnesses, including Several laboratory methods have been described to detect and identify a range of zoonotic foodborne pathogens (e.g. Raman vibrational spectroscopy provides additional information regarding biochemical changes at the cellular level. Zhu L, He J, Cao X, Huang K et al (2016) Development of a double antibody sandwich ELISA for rapid detection of The author Gargibala would like to thank for Prof Roy Mahapatra, iMEMS (Laboratory of Integrative Multiscale Engineering Materials and Systems), Prof Siva Umapathy, IPC (Inorganic Physical Chemistry), IISc, Bangalore and BIHER, Chennai management provided the permission and facility to do the above work. You can also search for this author in Biosens Bioelectron 22:1205–1217. Raman vibrational spectroscopy provides additional information regarding biochemical changes at the cellular level. ACS Nano 3:744–752. Lazcka O, Del Campo FJ, Muñoz FX (2007) Pathogen detection: a perspective of traditional methods and biosensors. Law JW, AbMutalib NS, Chan KG, Lee LH (2015) Rapid methods for the detection of foodborne bacterial pathogen: principles, applications, advantages and limitations. The host and bacterial factors influencing and/or responsible for carriage and systemic translocation of APEC inside the host are poorly understood. Subscription will auto renew annually.Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips Ming T, Zhao L, Yang Z et al (2009) Strong polarization dependence of plasmon enhanced fluorescence on single gold nanorods. Escherichia coli O26 has been identified as the most common non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) serogroup to cause human illnesses in the United States and has been implicated in outbreaks around the world.E. Sci World J 2012:10. Chang YC, Yang CY, Sun RL et al (2013) Rapid single cell detection of Dartnell LR, Roberts TA, Moore G et al (2013) Fluorescence characterization of clinically-important bacteria. Velusamy V, Arshak K, Korostynska O et al (2010) An overview of food borne pathogen detection: In the perspective of biosensors.

Liu TY, Chen Y, Wang HH et al (2012) Differentiation of bacteria cell wall using Raman scattering enhanced by nanoparticle array.

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