names derived from artemis


i. )BRAURO′NIA (Braurônia), a surname of Artemis, derived from the demos of Brauron in Attica. Not all of these titles were confined to their "home-town", for example, the Ephesian Artemis (of Ephesos) was worshipped in many Greek towns beyond Ephesos. (Paus.

ARTEMIS, one of the great divinities of the Greeks.


Some of the following places may have received their names from a shrine of the goddess rather than the reverse. § 3), and Hermes.

A surname of Artemis in her capacity as the godddess of the moon (Luna), the moon being regarded as the female Phoebus or sun.

CNA′GIA (Knagia), a surname of Artemis, derived from Cnageus, a Laconian, who accompanied the Dioscuri in their war against Aphidna, and was made prisoner. GENETYLLIS (Genetullis), the protectress of births, occurs both as a surname of Aphrodite (Aristoph. § 2, 44.

We will collaborate with our commercial and international partners and establish sustainable exploration by the end of the decade.

inhabiting or born in a lake or marsh, is a surname of several divinities who were believed either to have sprung from a lake, or had their temples near a lake.

(Paus. § 3.

In this sense it is used as a surname or attribute of several divinities, such as Apollo (Hom. xiv, p. (Paus. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem.

36. ad Apollon. The worship of this Taurian goddess, who was identified with Artemis and Iphigenia, was carried on with orgiastic rites and human sacrifices, and seems to have been very ancient in Greece.

AMARYNTHUS (Amarunthos), a hunter of Artemis, from whom the town of Amarynthus in Euboea (Steph.

DAPHNAEA and DAPHNAEUS (Daphnaia and Daphnaios), surnames of Artemis and Apollo respectively, derived from daphnê, a laurel, which was sacred to Apollo. iii. iii.



)HY′MNIA (Humnia), a surname of Artemis, under which she was worshipped throughout Arcadia.

She was the daughter of Zeus , king of the gods, and the Titaness Leto and she has a twin brother, the god Apollo . Her image was believed to have been carried from Tauris by Orestes and Iphigenia, and to have been conveyed to Brauron, Sparta, or Aricia. (Val. Artemis' mother Leto was hounded throughout her pregnancy by the jealous goddess Hera but eventually found refuge on the floating island of Delos. 23. 31.

Artemis: This is an exotic name which is derived from Ancient Greek. § 2, viii. (Paus. Personal experiences with the name Artemis.

The surname of Condyleatis was then changed into Apanchomene.ARICI′NA (Arikinê), a surname of Artemis, derived from the town of Aricia in Latium, where she was worshipped.

As a name, Delia stands strong on its own, but can also be used as a short for Cordelia and Adelia. § 1); 2. of Persephone in Laconia (iii. It may be related to the word artamos "a butcher" or artemes "safe."

(Callim. viii. The program's name is derived from Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon and twin sister to Apollo, whose namesake program first brought crews to our natural satellite 50 years ago.

The same applies for reputed hero-founders of shrines, such as the odd case where priests of Artemis Elaphaia (Of the Deer) claimed she was named after a hero-founder of the cult named Elaphios.


(Eurip. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. p. 750; Philostr. MY′SIA 2. 103.) i. A surname of Artemis, derived from the town of Leucophrys in Phrygia, where, as well as at Magnesia on the Maeander, she had a splendid temple. § 4. iii. 1).PHERAEA (Pheraia). Explore these related baby names and meanings. Artemis: Meaning, origin, and popularity of the boy's or girl's name Artemis plus advice on Artemis and 50000 other baby names from the bestselling nameberry experts. (Paus. p. 406, b.

iii. ARTEMIS was the Olympian goddess of hunting and wild animals, and the protectress of women and girls.This page lists her cult titles and poetic epithets.ACRAEA (Akraia).

§ 5. Ol. iii.

(Paus. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Don't be afraid to venture into the realm of fantastical creatures, folk heroes, and gods and goddesses for naming ideas.

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