selective mutism and autism in adults


The exact cause of selective mutism in adults is not known. Some medical practitioners recommend anti anxiolytic drugs that will help to reduce anxiety in a person.

Generally in school...we're in the process of a statutory assessment and fingers crossed will get a Statement of Need for her school is a continuous struggle for her and I feel worn out at times. Clinicial experience dictates that Sensory Integration Dysfunction (DSI) is a precipitating factor into the development of SM…as are speech/language, social/communication impairments. Hi, I found this conversation on a web search of asd and selective mutism, I realise this was 3 years ago, which might be a bonus for me! Selective mutism is a type of anxiety disorder in which the affected person cannot speak in a particular situation or with a particular person despite his capability of speaking normally. But I strongly feel that selective mutism is often too diluted and runs the risk of just being understood as the inability to speak in certain situations. It was too much to cope with for her. xx  Your son's problems sound very similar to my daughter's. While your child may have both autism and selective mutism at the same time, there is no direct relationship between the two. He has 3 support workers, so on a day where he is anxious coming to schools!, one will meet us in carpark and sometimes after 45mins of trying to get him out of car he gets taken to LRC (library) where he calms himself down and then goes to class when he is ready rather than forced. Not sure if I have any pointers, as such, as we are just beginning to get to grips with the SM now; she hasn't spoken to anyone in school for almost a year now, not even other children, not even me.How does your son's mutism manifest, at school?

Have you had involvement with CAMHS yet, or an educational psychologist?

Treatment consists of counseling and behavioral therapy.The exact cause of selective mutism in adults is not known. They then excluded him and I went to the governors as I was appalled. I have three other boys, one other also on the spectrum whose 19, but he does speak, which makes things a whole lot easier. It says that it could affect up to 1 in 100 children. So far, an educational psychologist has been in and asssesd her and made reccomendations to the school. It just seems like meeting after meeting, where nothing is ever resolved.It can be extremely wearing, especially as there is little understanding among the general public of these conditions.

I have 4 Children all boys from 21 - 12, two of which are likely to be getting a diagnosis very soon for Aspergers.

And if I, her mother , have taken so long to grasp that then her teachers aren't likely to understand. And you as parents.So I wonder 3 years on whether you have any advice or recommendations that might help us, I hope you both found the help you needed for your children and your children are happier.I've just found this thread too and so much of it resounds with us. I also have 4 children, from 10-19, 2 of each. I have done alot of online research on Autismn and have also learned through my own experiences of coping with different situations, but i must say i am struggling slightly with my 14 year old who has selective mutism also and am wondering if anyone else has a child with selective mutism, that can share any pointers.Hi, Have just joined this site and saw your post.

Although perceived to be a disorder of children, selective mutism can further continue into adulthood.Adults suffering from selective mutism stay silent in particular situation even if they are warned that their silence will amount to punishment. How is everyone else getting on by now with their children? Sorry to prattle on, just haven't met anyone with a child with both conditions before.

We are at hopefully what soon will be the end of diagnosis, just going to add at, but he is also be referred to CAMHS although they didn't help my 19 yr old much Hi, I found this conversation on a web search of asd and selective mutism,  I realise this was 3 years ago, which might be a bonus for me!I also have 4 children, from 10-19, 2 of each. And p.s don't worry about prattling on, i know exactly what you mean, i do the same. It's not all bad though;there's always minecraft. It characterized by an inability of speaking in a specific situation due to nervousness or anxiety. My son has bad anxietys and can sometimes go to school crying, but once calm he will get himself to class. There will be a wait for an appointment though, if your LEA is anything like ours. Just like in children, adults have Selective Mutism due to high social anxiety.

Gradually the medicines are tapered and stopped once the adult person has learned how to cope with situation that caused anxiety and starts to feel comfortable in social setting.Along with medicines behavioral therapy has a great role to play.

i had a phone call once, (Few months back) theat he had been excluded until i provide medical eveidence that he really has anxietys..... it certainly takes it toll on us as a family. She has recently been diagnosed with ASD and Selective mutism and reading this conversation on here gave me goosebumps how similar what yours and Mrs Hedgehogs children were/are going through are to what my daughter is going through. On the surface some of the characteristics may appear to mimic Autistic behaviors.

In some adults there may be an inherited tendency towards anxiety. He also chooses at times to not speak to family members include myself and my husband. And yes, I'm hoping for the light at the end of the tunnel too. Speech and language are involved but little has been done yet, and we are waiting for an appointment with CAMHS.

How do the school expect you to provide 'evidence' of anxiety, surely they can see if he's not coping. My daughter's school have been trying hard, but with little success so far.

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