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name of the current vice president


She made history when she was elected Vice President on November 3, 2020 and sworn in on January 20, 2021. Candidates from electoral-vote rich states were usually preferred. Her background in criminal justice could help a Biden administration tackle the issues of racial equality and policing after the country was swept by protests this year. [70][71], On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, about six weeks after the election, the electors convene in their respective states (and in Washington D.C.) to vote for president and, on a separate ballot, for vice president. [9] The extent of the roles and functions of the vice president depend on the specific relationship between the president and the vice president, but often include tasks such as drafter and spokesperson for the administration's policies, adviser to the president, and being a symbol of American concern or support. [45], Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 stipulates that the vice president takes over the "powers and duties" of the presidency in the event of a president's removal, death, resignation, or inability. As of February 2021[update], there are six living former vice presidents. [92] Additionally, since 2008, each former vice president and their immediate family is entitled (under the Former Vice President Protection Act of 2008) to Secret Service protection for up to six months after leaving office, and again temporarily at any time thereafter if warranted.[93]. [25] The first such constitutional amendment was presented by Samuel W. Dana in 1800; it was defeated by a vote of 27 to 85 in the United States House of Representatives. Vice presidents are often selected as running mates in part due to their legislative relationships, notably including Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Walter Mondale, Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence among others. [27] President Warren G. Harding also invited his vice president, Calvin Coolidge, to meetings. A selection whose positive traits make the presidential candidate look less favorable in comparison or which can cause the presidential candidate's judgment to be questioned often backfire, such as in 1988 when Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis chose experienced Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen; Bentsen was considered a more seasoned statesman in federal politics and somewhat overshadowed Dukakis. Vice presidency Vice President Party Election President 1 April 21, 1789 March 4, 1797 John Adams Pro-Administration 1788–89 George Washington Federalist 1792 2 March 4, 1797 – March 4, 1801 Thomas Jefferson [86] The salary was set by the 1989 Government Salary Reform Act, which also provides an automatic cost of living adjustment for federal employees. I was proud then, and I'm proud now to have her as my partner in this campaign.”. WASHINGTON – The vice presidential glass ceiling has been broken. With the vacancy that followed the succession of Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963, the nation had been without a vice president for a cumulative total of 37 years. [17], In this capacity, four vice presidents have been able to announce their own election to the presidency: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, and George H. W. The vice president of the United States (VPOTUS) is the second-highest officer in the executive branch of the U.S. federal government, after the president of the United States, and ranks first in the presidential line of succession. A close confidant and adviser of the president, Hobart was called "Assistant President". The positions of presidential designates were replaced in 1945 by two vice presidents. Section 3 deals with self-declared incapacity, and Section 4 addresses incapacity declared by the joint action of the vice president and of a majority of the Cabinet. That’s the percentage of the public who could name the current vice president, Dick Cheney; In 1989, 74% of the public were able to identify Dan Quayle as the vice president. This has happened twice: George Clinton (1805–1812) served under both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; and John C. Calhoun (1825–1832) served under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Prior to the 2000 election, both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney lived in and voted in Texas. As a result of the date change, both men's first terms (1933–37) were short of four years by 43 days.[76]. Harris, who developed a deep fundraising network during her Senate and White House bids, has been instrumental to Biden's raking in record sums of money in the closing months of the campaign. To be constitutionally eligible to serve as the nation's vice president, a person must, according to the Twelfth Amendment, meet the eligibility requirements to become president (which are stated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5). She has since proven to be a valuable and polished stand-in, appealing especially to women, progressives and voters of color, all critical to the party’s election hopes. [40], The Twelfth Amendment provides that the vice president, in their capacity as President of the Senate, receives the Electoral College votes, and then, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, opens the sealed votes. They had also considered the mode of election of the executive but had not reached consensus. In practice, the presidential nominee has considerable influence on the decision, and in the 20th century it became customary for that person to select a preferred running mate, who is then nominated and accepted by the convention. In 2011 she was the first female Attorney General of California, and years later she became the second black woman in the Senate, a job she still performs representing the state of California. The Summit is being organised by the Multilateral Development Banks’ (MDBs) Working Group on gender, and will be held for the first time in Africa. y haber iniciado sesión. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution allows for the removal of federal officials, including the vice president, from office for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". He took the presidential oath of office, and declined to acknowledge documents referring to him as "Acting President". However, in 1992, moderate Democrat Bill Clinton (of Arkansas) chose moderate Democrat Al Gore (of Tennessee) as his running mate.

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