by touch). The hardness and purple color are what are peculiarly sepia. Sepia is suited to tall, slim women with narrow pelvis and lax fibers and muscles; such a woman is not well built as a woman. "The thought of food sickens her; with sense of great weight in anus." Haemorrhoids soon form when the rectum is so packed with faeces, and they give additional trouble. Nails, pains under. A Patogenesia estuda os efeitos dos agentes terapêuticos no corpo são, a fim de adapta-los (...) aos sintomas conhecidos da moléstia, de modo a fazê-los desaparecer, estabelecendo a saúde (...) são os materiais, portanto, desses agentes terapêuticos que a Homeopatia usa na prática … Chloasma. The nose is a favorite locality; loss of smell; yellow or green thick crusts fill the nose and cannot be blown out; inveterate discharge of thick yellow pus. Ascarides. "Passionate, irritable; the greatest irritability from slight causes, very easily offended. The action of Sep. on connective tissues is again exemplified in the selection of the finger-joints as a seat of ulceration. A woman who has the hips of a well-built man is not built for child bearing, she cannot perform the functions of a woman without becoming relaxed in the pelvic organs and tissues. The sweat is pungent in odour, offensive in axillae and soles of feet, causing soreness. Sep. is a chilly remedy from lack of vital heat, "chills, so easily"; this is especially the case in chronic diseases. As of a ball in inner parts. Emaciated. Menstruation, disordered. 142) refers to three important indications for Sep. not generally known: (1) Prodromal symptoms of apoplexy; (2) whooping-cough that drag., on interminably; (3) hypostatic pleuritis. Jaundice often sets in with the headaches; at the close of the headache vomiting, and in a few days jaundice, which passes away but returns again with the next headache. It is also common for the whole face to be covered with enormous freckles, great brown patches as in pregnancy, brown spots on the cheeks, brown warts, warts that have been red or pink become pigmented; liver spots on the face, chest, and abdomen. N. O. Cephalopoda. Vomits up food and after emptying the stomach of its contents, vomits or eructates a milky fluid; morning vomiting, first of food then a milky substance. It was now ascertained that there was remarkable tightness of the chest on breathing, with inclination to take a deep breath; this was > in open air, on motion, while at work; < while in the house and at rest. As if she could feel every muscle and fibre of her right side from shoulder to feet. Tuberculosis. Natrum mur. Pains extend down to back, chills easily. The head pains proceed from within out. There is frequent strong urging to urinate. Epistaxis. As a result, they tend to rest a lot since their delays in resting greatly delay their growth periods. Chest as if hollow; as if sore. Very sad. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. has more of the typical hunger which is relieved by eating. Sepia The Homeopathic Remedy Sepia is most widely used by women, though men benefit from is as well. In fact, this homeopathy drug Sepia effectively eliminates several types of diseases. Materia Medica Leon Vannier. As a result, they tend to rest a lot since their delays in resting greatly delay their growth periods. The muscular relaxation, dragging down in the abdomen and pelvis, aggravated from exertion and walking, ameliorated by sitting with the limbs crossed and ameliorated by pressure on the genitalia would be like both remedies; but add to this copious menstrual flow and violent sexual desire and Murex must be considered and Sepia eliminated. Sep. is also useful where colds inflame the tonsils and tend to cause suppuration. Gonorrhoea. Never happy unless annoying someone; relating her grievances; sarcastic; insulting; fear of insanity, poverty. Herpes; circinatus. The provings and recorded cures were, however, made with the dried ink preparations.]. Eruptions on the skin. A child looks like a shriveled dried up old person.. With all complaints there is constipation. does. As of something alive in abdomen. An excerpt from The Clinical Materia Medica. As if stomach sore internally. Pain in back as from subcutaneous ulceration. Sep. is predominantly, but by no means exclusively, a woman's remedy. Sepia is complementary to Natrum mur. After the discharge the pains generally abate, and only return if the stomach has not been restored to its normal condition." It is seldom manifested in a man, but it is a striking feature in the woman. Sepia is an additionally powerful remedy for headaches, particularly those associated with hormonal disturbances. She is very sensitive, and must not be found fault with. This condition is closely related to the back symptoms. At times a gnawing pain, a sinking, a gnawing hunger which is not always relieved by eating. The same is seen in regard to motion; moving the eyes, head, or body, moving about in a warm room aggravates the pain, but a good, long walk in the open air until she becomes heated up, relieves. Sepia es suministrado en forma rutinaria para constipación, cuando existen pocos síntomas. Quick consumption after a suppressed gonorrhoea; if given soon enough it will check. The cough is a violent one. after manual labour.-Stiffness and want of flexibility in the joints.-Easy dislocation and spraining of the limbs.-Tendency to strain the back.-Commotions and jerks in the limbs night and day.-Jerking in the muscles.-Fits of uneasiness, and of hysterical spasms.-Swelling and suppuration of the glands.-Renewal or < of several sufferings, during and immediately after a meal.-The symptoms disappear during violent exercise, except when taken on horseback, and are < during repose, also in the evening, at night, in the heat of the bed (and in the forenoon).-Painful sensibility of the whole body.-Violent ebullition of blood, even at night, with pulsation throughout the body.-Great swelling of body, with shortness of breath, without thirst.-Heaviness, and physical indolence.-Paroxysms of weakness, and hysterical or other forms of syncope.-Fainting fits.-Lassitude, with trembling.-Want of energy, sometimes only on waking.-The patient is soon fatigued, when walking in the open air.-Great tendency to take cold, and sensibility to cold air, esp. As if lids too tight and did not cover eyeballs. One of Sepia's most general characteristics is the amelioration from violent exercise; worse on beginning to move but better by getting warmed up. As if stomach were being scraped. Loss of taste and smell. Sepia has jaundice, yet this peculiar sallowness is a waxy, anaemic appearance, mottled with yellow, a yellow, sallow tint across the nose and the cheeks described as a yellow saddle across the nose and down the sides of the face. As if something rolling around in head, with vertigo. [I have found a preparation made from the fresh ink-bag, given to me by Dr. Pruritus. As if cough came from stomach and abdomen. There is a constant sense of pressing into vagina, which compels the patient to cross the limbs to prevent prolapse. Tendency to abortion. It has acquired a place in the list of our polychrest remedies. Worse before and during menses; during pregnancy; after eating; during first sleep; change of weather; during a thunderstorm; overwhelming fear. Some among the ancient physicians (Dioscorides, Plinius, and Marcellus, says Teste) used either the flesh, the eggs, or even the only bone which constitutes the skeleton of this animal, for "leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, spasms of the bladder, baldness, freckles and certain kinds of tetters "-which is sufficiently remarkable in the light of the provings. Sepia has removed tape-worm. Sepia women sit on their legs crossed. As if ribs were broken and sharp points were sticking in flesh. Sciatica. "Pain in the stomach after the simplest food. Sep. is predominantly, but by no means exclusively, a woman's remedy. The flushes run upward and end in sweat with faint, weak feeling. I remember a pitiable case. As if everything would fall out of uterus. Lorbacher (quoted H. M., xxxi. Hollow molar tooth as if swollen and elongated. when seated, and walking in open air, also when angry, or engaged in important conversation.-Paroxysm of heat (and of shivering) with thirst.-During chill more thirst than during heat.-Continued heat, with redness of face and violent thirst.-Fever, with thirst, during shivering, pains in the limbs, icy coldness of the hands and feet, and deadness of the fingers.-Perspiration in general; perspires too easily; single parts perspire too easily; perspiration with anxiety; with restlessness; sour-smelling or offensive.-Internal chilliness with external heat.-Perspiration while seated.-Profuse perspiration on the slightest movement (more after than during exercise).-Perspiration only on upper part of body.-Nocturnal perspiration, sometimes cold (on breast, back, and thighs).-Perspiration in morning, sometimes of an acid smell.-Intermittent fever, followed by violent heat and inability to collect one's senses; this is followed by profuse perspiration. (Pressing eyelids together . Goes for days without a stool and then sits and strains until a copious sweat breaks out and yet no stool, but after assistance with the finger and prolonged strain a little stool is passed, followed by a cupful of jelly-like mucus, yellow or yellow-white and very offensive. Sepia – a study from source books … We have studied Sepia in nature now let us study from the source books the simple language of expression of this remedy. Throat as if filled with phlegm. Dandriff. It is long and deep acting in character. Hering gives these types: (1) Persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition. (4) Greedy, miserly. Sepia officinalis aus der Materia Medica von Constantin Hering. Sudden pain in back as if struck by a hammer. Open fontanelles in children is an indication for Sep. Sleep.-Strong disposition to sleep during day, and early in evening.-Attacks of coma, returning in a tertian type.-Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep; sleeping late in the morning; waking frequently during the night; very sleepy in the morning; sleeplessness before midnight; sleepiness without sleep.-Awakens at 3 a.m. and cannot go to sleep again.-Sleeplessness from over-excitement.-Early waking, and lying awake for a long time.-Frequent waking, without apparent cause.-Agitated sleep, with violent ebullition of blood, continued tossing, fantastic, anxious, frightful dreams, and frequent starts (screaming), with fright.-The sleeper fancies himself called by name.-Unrefreshing sleep; sensation in morning, as from insufficient sleep.-Lascivious dreams.-Talking, cries, and jerking of limbs, during sleep.-Nightly delirium.-Wanderings, anguish, feverish heat, and agitation in the body, toothache, colic, cough, and many other sufferings at night. You can read the full book here. An absence of all joy, inability to realize that things are real; all things seem strange; no affection for the delightful things of life; no joy; life has nothing in it for her. Seborrhoea. The Sepia subject is one who is rather stupid and dull, thinks slowly and is forgetful; the mind is anything but active and we see it in the face. This is not an uncommon feature in the vomiting of pregnancy. It is a woman’s remedy, popularly known as the ‘washer Woman’s remedy,’ because of complaints that are brought on by, or aggravated after laundry work. Inflammation of the liver, enlargement with jaundice, pain, fullness, distension, distress in the region of the liver. Cuttlefishes are known to have fast growth rates. Leucorrhoea. Stooping aggravates the backache. Jaundice. Characteristics.-The present use of Sepia in medicine is due to Hahnemann. Pesquise Matérias Médicas. Aversion to food, to the smell of food cooking, like Colch. Uterus as if clutched. Metrorrhagia during the climacteric or during pregnancy, especially at the fifth and seventh months. Whooping cough; asthmatic cough with retching and loss of urine. The skin symptoms of Sep. are among its most characteristic features. Frequent, constant urging to urinate with milky urine that burns like fire and after standing a while a milky, greyish deposit will form which is hard to wash off the vessel BIoody urine, scanty and suppressed, great pain in the kidneys and bladder with great bearing down; sudden desire with tenesmus as if the uterus would come out. Impotence in the male, loss of sexual feeling in the female. Condylomata. Itching which often changes to burning when scratched. when accompanied by a fainting sensation; jerking in the muscles or elsewhere, as they may be felt in the head when talking, &c.; knocking, throbbing, or pulsation in inner parts; pressing as of a heavy load; vibration like dull tingling or buzzing in the body.-< In early morning; forenoon; evening, particularly before falling asleep; on waking; stooping; during inspiration; while in company; while coughing; after coitus; after eating; from exertion of the mind; during fever; female complaints generally; from loss of fluids; masturbation; music; milk; fat pork; during and after perspiration; during pregnancy; riding in a car; from riding on horseback, in a swing, &c.; from sexual excesses; during first hours of sleep; in snow air; from stretching the affected part; while nursing a child; from water and washing; from getting wet; females having leucorrhoea; during confinement esp.-> From drawing up the limb; moving; exertion of body; drinking cold water; in solitude; when walking quickly.-H. N. G.].-Shooting and pricking pains in the limbs, and other parts of the body.-Burning pains in different parts of the body.-Pains, which are > by external heat.-Pains, by fits, with shuddering.-Wrenching pain, esp. As if shoulder dislocated. Anus, pressure of. It is impossible to enumerate all the symptoms connected with the circulatory disturbances of SEPIA in such a work as this, only a general study of the Materia Medica can do it. The empty sensation is felt in the epigastrium and throughout the abdomen. This in chronic diarrhoeas or in constipation with stool covered with or followed by jelly-like mucus is Sepia. As if drops came out of bladder. Toothache. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. Just want the older women to know it can help them too! Dry coryza especially of left nostril. Stasis of the brain, slowness of thought, mind will not work and mental labor aggravates the headache. This is on the border land of insanity; it is quite a different state of affairs from that when a woman abused by her husband knows in her rational mind that she does not love him. There is always a sense of fullness in the rectum after stool; ineffectual straining and sweating in the effort because the patient is weak and exhausted. There is a great amount of soreness in the back, the spine aches all the way down. The bowels lose their ability to expel their contents and the patient is always constipated; constipation during pregnancy; slow, difficult stool; stool like sheep dung. It will be seen that the fever, chill, and sweat are just as erratic as can be. It affects the generative organs of both sexes, and a large number of the symptoms occurring in other organs have some relation thereto. In many instances, however, the Sepia patient is a quick patient, but the dullness of intellect is the most striking feature and it reflects itself upon the face. (3) Children who take cold readily when the weather changes. The Sepia patient is generally conscious of a spoiled stomach, sour and bitter eructations of food, of mucus and bile, sour and bitter vomiting of food and mucus; all-gone, hungry, empty feeling in the stomach sometimes not relieved by eating. 359), "affords considerable help in a certain condition of the system which we have so far only noticed in females. Other names for this homeopathic remedy: Sepia officinalis, Catfisch, Cuttlefish, Sepia, Sepia succus, Tintenfischtinte. Varicose veins. The Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke was written in 1902. Murex has great soreness and congestion of the uterus, and she is constantly reminded of the uterus. Sepia officinalis. As if she would suffocate. As if breasts were enlarged. Dreads to be alone. On the other hand night-sweat proceeds from above downward. It may be brought out in a woman who has an over-vigorous husband. Calc. Kobiety zazwyczaj „padają ze zmęczenia”. For both months between appointments, the lead up to menses was much improved in reference to the pain. Nay Nay Killua Roblox Id, Frackin Universe Tier Planets, How To Overcome A Bad Childhood, Doritos Cold War Code, Riddles Meaning In Literature, Pogo Tv Tamil, How Do You Roll Down Windows With Remote Infiniti, Se Big Ripper, " /> by touch). The hardness and purple color are what are peculiarly sepia. Sepia is suited to tall, slim women with narrow pelvis and lax fibers and muscles; such a woman is not well built as a woman. "The thought of food sickens her; with sense of great weight in anus." Haemorrhoids soon form when the rectum is so packed with faeces, and they give additional trouble. Nails, pains under. A Patogenesia estuda os efeitos dos agentes terapêuticos no corpo são, a fim de adapta-los (...) aos sintomas conhecidos da moléstia, de modo a fazê-los desaparecer, estabelecendo a saúde (...) são os materiais, portanto, desses agentes terapêuticos que a Homeopatia usa na prática … Chloasma. The nose is a favorite locality; loss of smell; yellow or green thick crusts fill the nose and cannot be blown out; inveterate discharge of thick yellow pus. Ascarides. "Passionate, irritable; the greatest irritability from slight causes, very easily offended. The action of Sep. on connective tissues is again exemplified in the selection of the finger-joints as a seat of ulceration. A woman who has the hips of a well-built man is not built for child bearing, she cannot perform the functions of a woman without becoming relaxed in the pelvic organs and tissues. The sweat is pungent in odour, offensive in axillae and soles of feet, causing soreness. Sep. is a chilly remedy from lack of vital heat, "chills, so easily"; this is especially the case in chronic diseases. As of a ball in inner parts. Emaciated. Menstruation, disordered. 142) refers to three important indications for Sep. not generally known: (1) Prodromal symptoms of apoplexy; (2) whooping-cough that drag., on interminably; (3) hypostatic pleuritis. Jaundice often sets in with the headaches; at the close of the headache vomiting, and in a few days jaundice, which passes away but returns again with the next headache. It is also common for the whole face to be covered with enormous freckles, great brown patches as in pregnancy, brown spots on the cheeks, brown warts, warts that have been red or pink become pigmented; liver spots on the face, chest, and abdomen. N. O. Cephalopoda. Vomits up food and after emptying the stomach of its contents, vomits or eructates a milky fluid; morning vomiting, first of food then a milky substance. It was now ascertained that there was remarkable tightness of the chest on breathing, with inclination to take a deep breath; this was > in open air, on motion, while at work; < while in the house and at rest. As if she could feel every muscle and fibre of her right side from shoulder to feet. Tuberculosis. Natrum mur. Pains extend down to back, chills easily. The head pains proceed from within out. There is frequent strong urging to urinate. Epistaxis. As a result, they tend to rest a lot since their delays in resting greatly delay their growth periods. Chest as if hollow; as if sore. Very sad. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. has more of the typical hunger which is relieved by eating. Sepia The Homeopathic Remedy Sepia is most widely used by women, though men benefit from is as well. In fact, this homeopathy drug Sepia effectively eliminates several types of diseases. Materia Medica Leon Vannier. As a result, they tend to rest a lot since their delays in resting greatly delay their growth periods. The muscular relaxation, dragging down in the abdomen and pelvis, aggravated from exertion and walking, ameliorated by sitting with the limbs crossed and ameliorated by pressure on the genitalia would be like both remedies; but add to this copious menstrual flow and violent sexual desire and Murex must be considered and Sepia eliminated. Sep. is also useful where colds inflame the tonsils and tend to cause suppuration. Gonorrhoea. Never happy unless annoying someone; relating her grievances; sarcastic; insulting; fear of insanity, poverty. Herpes; circinatus. The provings and recorded cures were, however, made with the dried ink preparations.]. Eruptions on the skin. A child looks like a shriveled dried up old person.. With all complaints there is constipation. does. As of something alive in abdomen. An excerpt from The Clinical Materia Medica. As if stomach sore internally. Pain in back as from subcutaneous ulceration. Sep. is predominantly, but by no means exclusively, a woman's remedy. Sepia is complementary to Natrum mur. After the discharge the pains generally abate, and only return if the stomach has not been restored to its normal condition." It is seldom manifested in a man, but it is a striking feature in the woman. Sepia is an additionally powerful remedy for headaches, particularly those associated with hormonal disturbances. She is very sensitive, and must not be found fault with. This condition is closely related to the back symptoms. At times a gnawing pain, a sinking, a gnawing hunger which is not always relieved by eating. The same is seen in regard to motion; moving the eyes, head, or body, moving about in a warm room aggravates the pain, but a good, long walk in the open air until she becomes heated up, relieves. Sepia es suministrado en forma rutinaria para constipación, cuando existen pocos síntomas. Quick consumption after a suppressed gonorrhoea; if given soon enough it will check. The cough is a violent one. after manual labour.-Stiffness and want of flexibility in the joints.-Easy dislocation and spraining of the limbs.-Tendency to strain the back.-Commotions and jerks in the limbs night and day.-Jerking in the muscles.-Fits of uneasiness, and of hysterical spasms.-Swelling and suppuration of the glands.-Renewal or < of several sufferings, during and immediately after a meal.-The symptoms disappear during violent exercise, except when taken on horseback, and are < during repose, also in the evening, at night, in the heat of the bed (and in the forenoon).-Painful sensibility of the whole body.-Violent ebullition of blood, even at night, with pulsation throughout the body.-Great swelling of body, with shortness of breath, without thirst.-Heaviness, and physical indolence.-Paroxysms of weakness, and hysterical or other forms of syncope.-Fainting fits.-Lassitude, with trembling.-Want of energy, sometimes only on waking.-The patient is soon fatigued, when walking in the open air.-Great tendency to take cold, and sensibility to cold air, esp. As if lids too tight and did not cover eyeballs. One of Sepia's most general characteristics is the amelioration from violent exercise; worse on beginning to move but better by getting warmed up. As if stomach were being scraped. Loss of taste and smell. Sepia has jaundice, yet this peculiar sallowness is a waxy, anaemic appearance, mottled with yellow, a yellow, sallow tint across the nose and the cheeks described as a yellow saddle across the nose and down the sides of the face. As if something rolling around in head, with vertigo. [I have found a preparation made from the fresh ink-bag, given to me by Dr. Pruritus. As if cough came from stomach and abdomen. There is a constant sense of pressing into vagina, which compels the patient to cross the limbs to prevent prolapse. Tendency to abortion. It has acquired a place in the list of our polychrest remedies. Worse before and during menses; during pregnancy; after eating; during first sleep; change of weather; during a thunderstorm; overwhelming fear. Some among the ancient physicians (Dioscorides, Plinius, and Marcellus, says Teste) used either the flesh, the eggs, or even the only bone which constitutes the skeleton of this animal, for "leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, spasms of the bladder, baldness, freckles and certain kinds of tetters "-which is sufficiently remarkable in the light of the provings. Sepia has removed tape-worm. Sepia women sit on their legs crossed. As if ribs were broken and sharp points were sticking in flesh. Sciatica. "Pain in the stomach after the simplest food. Sep. is predominantly, but by no means exclusively, a woman's remedy. The flushes run upward and end in sweat with faint, weak feeling. I remember a pitiable case. As if everything would fall out of uterus. Lorbacher (quoted H. M., xxxi. Hollow molar tooth as if swollen and elongated. when seated, and walking in open air, also when angry, or engaged in important conversation.-Paroxysm of heat (and of shivering) with thirst.-During chill more thirst than during heat.-Continued heat, with redness of face and violent thirst.-Fever, with thirst, during shivering, pains in the limbs, icy coldness of the hands and feet, and deadness of the fingers.-Perspiration in general; perspires too easily; single parts perspire too easily; perspiration with anxiety; with restlessness; sour-smelling or offensive.-Internal chilliness with external heat.-Perspiration while seated.-Profuse perspiration on the slightest movement (more after than during exercise).-Perspiration only on upper part of body.-Nocturnal perspiration, sometimes cold (on breast, back, and thighs).-Perspiration in morning, sometimes of an acid smell.-Intermittent fever, followed by violent heat and inability to collect one's senses; this is followed by profuse perspiration. (Pressing eyelids together . Goes for days without a stool and then sits and strains until a copious sweat breaks out and yet no stool, but after assistance with the finger and prolonged strain a little stool is passed, followed by a cupful of jelly-like mucus, yellow or yellow-white and very offensive. Sepia – a study from source books … We have studied Sepia in nature now let us study from the source books the simple language of expression of this remedy. Throat as if filled with phlegm. Dandriff. It is long and deep acting in character. Hering gives these types: (1) Persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition. (4) Greedy, miserly. Sepia officinalis aus der Materia Medica von Constantin Hering. Sudden pain in back as if struck by a hammer. Open fontanelles in children is an indication for Sep. Sleep.-Strong disposition to sleep during day, and early in evening.-Attacks of coma, returning in a tertian type.-Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep; sleeping late in the morning; waking frequently during the night; very sleepy in the morning; sleeplessness before midnight; sleepiness without sleep.-Awakens at 3 a.m. and cannot go to sleep again.-Sleeplessness from over-excitement.-Early waking, and lying awake for a long time.-Frequent waking, without apparent cause.-Agitated sleep, with violent ebullition of blood, continued tossing, fantastic, anxious, frightful dreams, and frequent starts (screaming), with fright.-The sleeper fancies himself called by name.-Unrefreshing sleep; sensation in morning, as from insufficient sleep.-Lascivious dreams.-Talking, cries, and jerking of limbs, during sleep.-Nightly delirium.-Wanderings, anguish, feverish heat, and agitation in the body, toothache, colic, cough, and many other sufferings at night. You can read the full book here. An absence of all joy, inability to realize that things are real; all things seem strange; no affection for the delightful things of life; no joy; life has nothing in it for her. Seborrhoea. The Sepia subject is one who is rather stupid and dull, thinks slowly and is forgetful; the mind is anything but active and we see it in the face. This is not an uncommon feature in the vomiting of pregnancy. It is a woman’s remedy, popularly known as the ‘washer Woman’s remedy,’ because of complaints that are brought on by, or aggravated after laundry work. Inflammation of the liver, enlargement with jaundice, pain, fullness, distension, distress in the region of the liver. Cuttlefishes are known to have fast growth rates. Leucorrhoea. Stooping aggravates the backache. Jaundice. Characteristics.-The present use of Sepia in medicine is due to Hahnemann. Pesquise Matérias Médicas. Aversion to food, to the smell of food cooking, like Colch. Uterus as if clutched. Metrorrhagia during the climacteric or during pregnancy, especially at the fifth and seventh months. Whooping cough; asthmatic cough with retching and loss of urine. The skin symptoms of Sep. are among its most characteristic features. Frequent, constant urging to urinate with milky urine that burns like fire and after standing a while a milky, greyish deposit will form which is hard to wash off the vessel BIoody urine, scanty and suppressed, great pain in the kidneys and bladder with great bearing down; sudden desire with tenesmus as if the uterus would come out. Impotence in the male, loss of sexual feeling in the female. Condylomata. Itching which often changes to burning when scratched. when accompanied by a fainting sensation; jerking in the muscles or elsewhere, as they may be felt in the head when talking, &c.; knocking, throbbing, or pulsation in inner parts; pressing as of a heavy load; vibration like dull tingling or buzzing in the body.-< In early morning; forenoon; evening, particularly before falling asleep; on waking; stooping; during inspiration; while in company; while coughing; after coitus; after eating; from exertion of the mind; during fever; female complaints generally; from loss of fluids; masturbation; music; milk; fat pork; during and after perspiration; during pregnancy; riding in a car; from riding on horseback, in a swing, &c.; from sexual excesses; during first hours of sleep; in snow air; from stretching the affected part; while nursing a child; from water and washing; from getting wet; females having leucorrhoea; during confinement esp.-> From drawing up the limb; moving; exertion of body; drinking cold water; in solitude; when walking quickly.-H. N. G.].-Shooting and pricking pains in the limbs, and other parts of the body.-Burning pains in different parts of the body.-Pains, which are > by external heat.-Pains, by fits, with shuddering.-Wrenching pain, esp. As if shoulder dislocated. Anus, pressure of. It is impossible to enumerate all the symptoms connected with the circulatory disturbances of SEPIA in such a work as this, only a general study of the Materia Medica can do it. The empty sensation is felt in the epigastrium and throughout the abdomen. This in chronic diarrhoeas or in constipation with stool covered with or followed by jelly-like mucus is Sepia. As if drops came out of bladder. Toothache. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. Just want the older women to know it can help them too! Dry coryza especially of left nostril. Stasis of the brain, slowness of thought, mind will not work and mental labor aggravates the headache. This is on the border land of insanity; it is quite a different state of affairs from that when a woman abused by her husband knows in her rational mind that she does not love him. There is always a sense of fullness in the rectum after stool; ineffectual straining and sweating in the effort because the patient is weak and exhausted. There is a great amount of soreness in the back, the spine aches all the way down. The bowels lose their ability to expel their contents and the patient is always constipated; constipation during pregnancy; slow, difficult stool; stool like sheep dung. It will be seen that the fever, chill, and sweat are just as erratic as can be. It affects the generative organs of both sexes, and a large number of the symptoms occurring in other organs have some relation thereto. In many instances, however, the Sepia patient is a quick patient, but the dullness of intellect is the most striking feature and it reflects itself upon the face. (3) Children who take cold readily when the weather changes. The Sepia patient is generally conscious of a spoiled stomach, sour and bitter eructations of food, of mucus and bile, sour and bitter vomiting of food and mucus; all-gone, hungry, empty feeling in the stomach sometimes not relieved by eating. 359), "affords considerable help in a certain condition of the system which we have so far only noticed in females. Other names for this homeopathic remedy: Sepia officinalis, Catfisch, Cuttlefish, Sepia, Sepia succus, Tintenfischtinte. Varicose veins. The Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke was written in 1902. Murex has great soreness and congestion of the uterus, and she is constantly reminded of the uterus. Sepia officinalis. As if she would suffocate. As if breasts were enlarged. Dreads to be alone. On the other hand night-sweat proceeds from above downward. It may be brought out in a woman who has an over-vigorous husband. Calc. Kobiety zazwyczaj „padają ze zmęczenia”. For both months between appointments, the lead up to menses was much improved in reference to the pain. Nay Nay Killua Roblox Id, Frackin Universe Tier Planets, How To Overcome A Bad Childhood, Doritos Cold War Code, Riddles Meaning In Literature, Pogo Tv Tamil, How Do You Roll Down Windows With Remote Infiniti, Se Big Ripper, " />

sepia materia medica


Murex has acute pain in right side of uterus which crosses the body diagonally upward to left side of chest, or left breast. The bearing down is < standing or walking. Liver, torpid. Epistaxis may occur either from a blow, from being in a warm room, or from suppressed menses. You only need to be able to observe your and your family’s symptoms and any changes you might see in those symptoms. Worse in the first sleep like Lach. The bearing-down pains of Sep. are of great intensity. Stasis and thereby ptosis of viscera and weariness and misery. Uneasiness of the collar and corsets like Lach. "Large offensive-smelling plugs from the nose, often so large that they have to be drawn back into the mouth and expectorated, causing vomiting. (3) Indifferent: even to one's family one's occupation; to one's nearest and dearest. She was tall, slim, with sallow face, distressed look, worn and tired. As of a load in abdomen. Dolor en el ano. OF OUR MATERIA MEDICA BY CONSTANTINE HERING, M. D. Presented by Médi-T. Sepia. ", Under symptoms of the lower extremities we find great numbness of the feet. Remediu homeopat, poza si descriere Sepia - : referinta ta in homeopatie It is the result of the state of relaxation of all the internal parts as if they were let down, wants a bandage to hold the parts up or wants to place the hand or a napkin on the parts; a funneling sensation, better sitting down and crossing the limbs When these symptoms group themselves together, the gnawing hunger, the constipation, the dragging down, and the mental condition, it is Sepia and Sepia only. Eyes as if bruised. Apoplexy. The Sepia symptoms are worse in the open air unless combined with continued motion, better from exercise in the open air and worse in the house. Pylorus, induration of. There are some peculiarities about the mental state of Sep. which must be borne in mind: (1) Anxiety: with fear, flushes of heat over face and head; about real or imaginary evils; towards evening. "Stiffness" is a prominent feature of Sep.: stiffness of limbs < after sleep; stiffness of uterine region. The Ignatia patient is always sighing; cannot get rid of "that feeling." Pregnancy, disorders of; vomiting of. Oozing moisture from the rectum, soreness between the buttocks. The characteristic sensations in the throat are: Dryness; pressure as if neck-cloth too tight; plug sensation; stinging; stitching pains on swallowing; contraction of throat without swallowing; sensation of plug when swallowing with feeling of constriction. Diseases of women: especially those occurring during pregnancy, child- bed and lactation; or diseases attended with sudden prostration and sinking faintness (Murex, Nux m.); "the washerwoman's remedy." When we say the source books we mean The Chronic Diseases 10, Materia Medica Pura 8, Dr. Hering’s Guiding Symptoms 9 and Dr. Allen’s Encyclopedia 10. Pressure on the spine reveals some places, spinal irritation. Ringworm on face. Download. Venesection, performed several times, only partially relieved. There is sensation of a ball in inner parts generally; but the most notable one is sensation of a ball in rectum. The sleep is full of dreams and distress; cannot sleep upon the left side because of palpitation of the heart Palpitation in sleep, with pulsations and trembling all the body, pulsations to the finger tips. Download Full PDF Package. But Sep. meets many cases of dyspepsia not originating in uterine disorders. Nash mentions a case of cholera infantum which he cured with Sep. on the indication "always < after taking milk." The Sepia woman permits no opposition to her opinions. < During and immediately after eating. Cancer. Digitalis comes in here with its deathly sinking not better by eating. The gums settle away from the teeth. The Sep. patient weeps when asked about her symptoms. Do not confound with Graph., which has an enormous stool with much straining and sweating, and coated with and mixed with a substance looking like the cooked white of egg, as if covered with albumen. Ringworm-like eruptions every spring on different parts of body. Hot flashes at menopause with weakness Uterus, bearing down in. A woman who has been normal in her relations with her husband brings forth a child, and then the thought of sexual relations causes nausea and irritability. It was as large as a crown-piece but shaped like a bean, and raised a quarter of an inch from the surface. Homeopathic remedy Sepia has a profound action on the nervous system and is primarily considered to be a female remedy (although it works for men too). Sep. cured both. The menstrual symptoms are of all sorts, no particular derangement characterizes Sepia. Sepia has the ineffectual urging like Nux. is the opposite; the menses come on while the child is nursing. This patient is anaemic, pale lips and ears, pale, sallow face, fingers and hands become shriveled, sallow, waxy, bloodless. As if something remained lodged in stomach. Available in 4C-30C, 200C, 4X-30X, 1M-10M, 30C, 200CH from $6.59 Purchase options . Both male and female have aversion to the opposite sex. Cuttlefishes are known to have fast growth rates. It affects the generative organs of both sexes, and a large number of the symptoms occurring in other organs have some relation thereto. Sep. is indicated in whooping-cough when it has lasted eight weeks or longer, and the paroxysms, though reduced in number and virulence, do not disappear, and occur especially before midnight. Una singola dose agisce terapeuticamente per molte settimane. This scaly eruption that looks like epithelioma is especially Sepia. As from a weight in sides. 24. Phimosis. 10x produced little change. The patients are reduced in strength, dyspeptic, irritable, tearful, easily angered or apathetic. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Yanalthe Villa. First Follow-up. Fever.-Pulse full and quick during night and then intermitting; during day slow.-Pulse accelerated by motion and being angry.-Pulsation in all the blood-vessels.-Shuddering (chilliness) during pains.-Coldness of single parts.-Want of vital heat.-Frequent shivering, esp. In the male, old sycotic discharge that has resisted injection. for this purple aspect. The smell of cooking food, meat and broth causes nausea. Nose, inflamed; swollen. in a north wind.-Feverish shivering, syncope, and afterwards coryza, after getting wet. Throat as if raw. Its action pervades almost the entire organism and is very enduring, the effects of a single dose often lasting for many weeks. Sudden desire to urinate with cutting like knives and chill all over the body, if unable to pass it, as a lady in company. HPUS indication of Sepia: Indifference. Irritation. When the scales come off a yellow, green, ichorous base remains, and as soon as one crust peels off, another forms; finally if torn off prematurely, it bleeds. Spermatorrhoea. Irritable; easily offended. Abdomen distended with flatus, rumbling and distension. in the joints.-Dry and itching eruptions, like scabies.-Dry itch; bad effects where itch has been suppressed by Merc. Subinvolution, all the pelvic organs are tired and weak. Veja os detalhes da matéria médica SEP - SEPIA - ERR. The headache is worse from stooping, motion, coughing, going up stairs, jarring, light, turning the head, lying on the back and from thinking, but continued, hard exercise relieves as does a tight bandage, and the application of heat, though worse in a warm room. In cases of irritable bladder, although the desire is urgent, the discharge of urine may be difficult, and the patient may have to wait a long time. Sepia can be used to relieve symptoms related premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and reduce the symptoms of menopause. (5) Indolent. It has cured old indurations caused by the use of a clay pipe, where it continues to form, and beneath it is seen this thick, yellow, purulent exudation. Lying on left side Warmth of bed or hot applications. Stitches along the urethra. 27. Pityriasis versicolor. Roundness and yellowness of the spots. In two months the symptoms were reduced, and gradually passed away. The pains of the head shoot upward; and so do the pains in anus, rectum, and vagina. Quinsy. The headaches are nervous, bilious, periodic, violent, involving the whole head; congestive. 25. Acrid, burning eructations; heartburn; rancid eructations, excoriating the throat; pyrosis which is another form of eructation ; acrid, sour fluids burning all the way up, causing contraction, tingling, smarting. Excessive sexual excitement and over-indulgence brings on coldness and she becomes a cold woman. Other names for this homeopathic remedy: Sepia officinalis, Catfisch, Cuttlefish, Sepia, Sepia succus, Tintenfischtinte. Prolapso en el recto. The relaxed sphincters of Sep. favour enuresis, and the type which it cures is well defined: "The bed is wet almost as soon as the child goes to sleep, always during the first sleep." Milk, fat food, acids when walking).-Cramp in thighs when walking.-Tearing lancinations, or shocks in thighs and tibia, so as to extort cries.-Furunculi on thigh and in hams.-Drawing and tearing shootings in knees, hams, and heels.-Painful swelling of knees.-Synovitis of knee-joints in housemaids (R. T. C.).-Stiffness in joints of knee and ankle.-Cramps in Calves, sometimes at night.-Restlessness of legs every evening (with formication in them).-Itching pimples on legs and instep.-Drawing pain in legs and great toes.-Shootings in tibia and instep.-Sensation in legs, as if a mouse were running over them.-Jerking in feet when sleeping.-Ulcers on instep.-Stiffness in heels and joints of feet, as from contraction.-Pricking and burning sensation of feet.-Tingling and numbness in soles of feet.-Profuse, or else suppressed (offensive) perspiration of feet (causing soreness between toes).-Stinging in the heels.-Tension in tendo-Achillis.-Ulcers on heel, arising from corrosive vesicles.-Indolent ulcers on joints and tips of toes.-Corns on feet, with shooting pain.-Deformity of toenails. As if something were going to break in back. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says: September 19, 2016 at 4:33 am. Do not confound this with vomiting of milk. "Backache worse from kneeling. Materia Medica Leon Vannier. (2) Women during pregnancy, in childbed and while nursing. Always has a feeling of a lump in the rectum, never able to empty the bowels; though he goes to stool there is always a sensation of a lump remaining in the rectum. As if suspended in air. The Sepia has a unique place in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Painful eruption on tip of nose. Phatak Dr. S.R. Peculiar Sensations of Sep. are: As if every object were in motion. Sepia officinalis jest skutecznym lekiem przy zaburzeniach miesiączkowania i problemach związanych z menopauzą. Homeopathy medicine Sepia Officinalis from William Boericke's Pocket manual of homoeopathic materia medica, comprising the characteristic and guiding symptoms of … Neuralgia of the head; periodic sick-headaches in gouty people; violent, congestive headaches in young women sensitive to noise, women of extremely delicate fiber, especially those with dark eyes, dark skin, and who become sallow from sickness. Swallow, of Ningpo, in every way superior to the official preparation, which I now rarely use. As if bladder and urinary organs would be pressed out. Skin.-Skin yellow, like jaundice; chapping of the skin, or cracks may extend deeply into the tissues, and this is < by washing in water; exanthema in general, particularly when it is disposed to crack.-Ulceration of the exanthema; bed sores; brown sphacelus.-Tetters in general.-Ulcers suppurating; pus too copious; swollen; with proud flesh.-Salt rheum.-Excessive sensibility of the skin.-Soreness of skin and humid places in bends of joints.-Itching in different parts (face, arms, hands, back, hips, abdomen and genitals) which changes to a burning sensation.-Itching and eruption of pimples in the joints.-Excoriation, esp. As if limbs would refuse to act. As if a strap as wide as her hand drawn tightly round her waist. Anxious toward evening; indolent. As if roots of hair were sore; as if cut short near roots. The symptoms are < by touch (except pain in back, which is > by touch). The hardness and purple color are what are peculiarly sepia. Sepia is suited to tall, slim women with narrow pelvis and lax fibers and muscles; such a woman is not well built as a woman. "The thought of food sickens her; with sense of great weight in anus." Haemorrhoids soon form when the rectum is so packed with faeces, and they give additional trouble. Nails, pains under. A Patogenesia estuda os efeitos dos agentes terapêuticos no corpo são, a fim de adapta-los (...) aos sintomas conhecidos da moléstia, de modo a fazê-los desaparecer, estabelecendo a saúde (...) são os materiais, portanto, desses agentes terapêuticos que a Homeopatia usa na prática … Chloasma. The nose is a favorite locality; loss of smell; yellow or green thick crusts fill the nose and cannot be blown out; inveterate discharge of thick yellow pus. Ascarides. "Passionate, irritable; the greatest irritability from slight causes, very easily offended. The action of Sep. on connective tissues is again exemplified in the selection of the finger-joints as a seat of ulceration. A woman who has the hips of a well-built man is not built for child bearing, she cannot perform the functions of a woman without becoming relaxed in the pelvic organs and tissues. The sweat is pungent in odour, offensive in axillae and soles of feet, causing soreness. Sep. is a chilly remedy from lack of vital heat, "chills, so easily"; this is especially the case in chronic diseases. As of a ball in inner parts. Emaciated. Menstruation, disordered. 142) refers to three important indications for Sep. not generally known: (1) Prodromal symptoms of apoplexy; (2) whooping-cough that drag., on interminably; (3) hypostatic pleuritis. Jaundice often sets in with the headaches; at the close of the headache vomiting, and in a few days jaundice, which passes away but returns again with the next headache. It is also common for the whole face to be covered with enormous freckles, great brown patches as in pregnancy, brown spots on the cheeks, brown warts, warts that have been red or pink become pigmented; liver spots on the face, chest, and abdomen. N. O. Cephalopoda. Vomits up food and after emptying the stomach of its contents, vomits or eructates a milky fluid; morning vomiting, first of food then a milky substance. It was now ascertained that there was remarkable tightness of the chest on breathing, with inclination to take a deep breath; this was > in open air, on motion, while at work; < while in the house and at rest. As if she could feel every muscle and fibre of her right side from shoulder to feet. Tuberculosis. Natrum mur. Pains extend down to back, chills easily. The head pains proceed from within out. There is frequent strong urging to urinate. Epistaxis. As a result, they tend to rest a lot since their delays in resting greatly delay their growth periods. Chest as if hollow; as if sore. Very sad. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. has more of the typical hunger which is relieved by eating. Sepia The Homeopathic Remedy Sepia is most widely used by women, though men benefit from is as well. In fact, this homeopathy drug Sepia effectively eliminates several types of diseases. Materia Medica Leon Vannier. As a result, they tend to rest a lot since their delays in resting greatly delay their growth periods. The muscular relaxation, dragging down in the abdomen and pelvis, aggravated from exertion and walking, ameliorated by sitting with the limbs crossed and ameliorated by pressure on the genitalia would be like both remedies; but add to this copious menstrual flow and violent sexual desire and Murex must be considered and Sepia eliminated. Sep. is also useful where colds inflame the tonsils and tend to cause suppuration. Gonorrhoea. Never happy unless annoying someone; relating her grievances; sarcastic; insulting; fear of insanity, poverty. Herpes; circinatus. The provings and recorded cures were, however, made with the dried ink preparations.]. Eruptions on the skin. A child looks like a shriveled dried up old person.. With all complaints there is constipation. does. As of something alive in abdomen. An excerpt from The Clinical Materia Medica. As if stomach sore internally. Pain in back as from subcutaneous ulceration. Sep. is predominantly, but by no means exclusively, a woman's remedy. Sepia is complementary to Natrum mur. After the discharge the pains generally abate, and only return if the stomach has not been restored to its normal condition." It is seldom manifested in a man, but it is a striking feature in the woman. Sepia is an additionally powerful remedy for headaches, particularly those associated with hormonal disturbances. She is very sensitive, and must not be found fault with. This condition is closely related to the back symptoms. At times a gnawing pain, a sinking, a gnawing hunger which is not always relieved by eating. The same is seen in regard to motion; moving the eyes, head, or body, moving about in a warm room aggravates the pain, but a good, long walk in the open air until she becomes heated up, relieves. Sepia es suministrado en forma rutinaria para constipación, cuando existen pocos síntomas. Quick consumption after a suppressed gonorrhoea; if given soon enough it will check. The cough is a violent one. after manual labour.-Stiffness and want of flexibility in the joints.-Easy dislocation and spraining of the limbs.-Tendency to strain the back.-Commotions and jerks in the limbs night and day.-Jerking in the muscles.-Fits of uneasiness, and of hysterical spasms.-Swelling and suppuration of the glands.-Renewal or < of several sufferings, during and immediately after a meal.-The symptoms disappear during violent exercise, except when taken on horseback, and are < during repose, also in the evening, at night, in the heat of the bed (and in the forenoon).-Painful sensibility of the whole body.-Violent ebullition of blood, even at night, with pulsation throughout the body.-Great swelling of body, with shortness of breath, without thirst.-Heaviness, and physical indolence.-Paroxysms of weakness, and hysterical or other forms of syncope.-Fainting fits.-Lassitude, with trembling.-Want of energy, sometimes only on waking.-The patient is soon fatigued, when walking in the open air.-Great tendency to take cold, and sensibility to cold air, esp. As if lids too tight and did not cover eyeballs. One of Sepia's most general characteristics is the amelioration from violent exercise; worse on beginning to move but better by getting warmed up. As if stomach were being scraped. Loss of taste and smell. Sepia has jaundice, yet this peculiar sallowness is a waxy, anaemic appearance, mottled with yellow, a yellow, sallow tint across the nose and the cheeks described as a yellow saddle across the nose and down the sides of the face. As if something rolling around in head, with vertigo. [I have found a preparation made from the fresh ink-bag, given to me by Dr. Pruritus. As if cough came from stomach and abdomen. There is a constant sense of pressing into vagina, which compels the patient to cross the limbs to prevent prolapse. Tendency to abortion. It has acquired a place in the list of our polychrest remedies. Worse before and during menses; during pregnancy; after eating; during first sleep; change of weather; during a thunderstorm; overwhelming fear. Some among the ancient physicians (Dioscorides, Plinius, and Marcellus, says Teste) used either the flesh, the eggs, or even the only bone which constitutes the skeleton of this animal, for "leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, spasms of the bladder, baldness, freckles and certain kinds of tetters "-which is sufficiently remarkable in the light of the provings. Sepia has removed tape-worm. Sepia women sit on their legs crossed. As if ribs were broken and sharp points were sticking in flesh. Sciatica. "Pain in the stomach after the simplest food. Sep. is predominantly, but by no means exclusively, a woman's remedy. The flushes run upward and end in sweat with faint, weak feeling. I remember a pitiable case. As if everything would fall out of uterus. Lorbacher (quoted H. M., xxxi. Hollow molar tooth as if swollen and elongated. when seated, and walking in open air, also when angry, or engaged in important conversation.-Paroxysm of heat (and of shivering) with thirst.-During chill more thirst than during heat.-Continued heat, with redness of face and violent thirst.-Fever, with thirst, during shivering, pains in the limbs, icy coldness of the hands and feet, and deadness of the fingers.-Perspiration in general; perspires too easily; single parts perspire too easily; perspiration with anxiety; with restlessness; sour-smelling or offensive.-Internal chilliness with external heat.-Perspiration while seated.-Profuse perspiration on the slightest movement (more after than during exercise).-Perspiration only on upper part of body.-Nocturnal perspiration, sometimes cold (on breast, back, and thighs).-Perspiration in morning, sometimes of an acid smell.-Intermittent fever, followed by violent heat and inability to collect one's senses; this is followed by profuse perspiration. (Pressing eyelids together . Goes for days without a stool and then sits and strains until a copious sweat breaks out and yet no stool, but after assistance with the finger and prolonged strain a little stool is passed, followed by a cupful of jelly-like mucus, yellow or yellow-white and very offensive. Sepia – a study from source books … We have studied Sepia in nature now let us study from the source books the simple language of expression of this remedy. Throat as if filled with phlegm. Dandriff. It is long and deep acting in character. Hering gives these types: (1) Persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition. (4) Greedy, miserly. Sepia officinalis aus der Materia Medica von Constantin Hering. Sudden pain in back as if struck by a hammer. Open fontanelles in children is an indication for Sep. Sleep.-Strong disposition to sleep during day, and early in evening.-Attacks of coma, returning in a tertian type.-Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep; sleeping late in the morning; waking frequently during the night; very sleepy in the morning; sleeplessness before midnight; sleepiness without sleep.-Awakens at 3 a.m. and cannot go to sleep again.-Sleeplessness from over-excitement.-Early waking, and lying awake for a long time.-Frequent waking, without apparent cause.-Agitated sleep, with violent ebullition of blood, continued tossing, fantastic, anxious, frightful dreams, and frequent starts (screaming), with fright.-The sleeper fancies himself called by name.-Unrefreshing sleep; sensation in morning, as from insufficient sleep.-Lascivious dreams.-Talking, cries, and jerking of limbs, during sleep.-Nightly delirium.-Wanderings, anguish, feverish heat, and agitation in the body, toothache, colic, cough, and many other sufferings at night. You can read the full book here. An absence of all joy, inability to realize that things are real; all things seem strange; no affection for the delightful things of life; no joy; life has nothing in it for her. Seborrhoea. The Sepia subject is one who is rather stupid and dull, thinks slowly and is forgetful; the mind is anything but active and we see it in the face. This is not an uncommon feature in the vomiting of pregnancy. It is a woman’s remedy, popularly known as the ‘washer Woman’s remedy,’ because of complaints that are brought on by, or aggravated after laundry work. Inflammation of the liver, enlargement with jaundice, pain, fullness, distension, distress in the region of the liver. Cuttlefishes are known to have fast growth rates. Leucorrhoea. Stooping aggravates the backache. Jaundice. Characteristics.-The present use of Sepia in medicine is due to Hahnemann. Pesquise Matérias Médicas. Aversion to food, to the smell of food cooking, like Colch. Uterus as if clutched. Metrorrhagia during the climacteric or during pregnancy, especially at the fifth and seventh months. Whooping cough; asthmatic cough with retching and loss of urine. The skin symptoms of Sep. are among its most characteristic features. Frequent, constant urging to urinate with milky urine that burns like fire and after standing a while a milky, greyish deposit will form which is hard to wash off the vessel BIoody urine, scanty and suppressed, great pain in the kidneys and bladder with great bearing down; sudden desire with tenesmus as if the uterus would come out. Impotence in the male, loss of sexual feeling in the female. Condylomata. Itching which often changes to burning when scratched. when accompanied by a fainting sensation; jerking in the muscles or elsewhere, as they may be felt in the head when talking, &c.; knocking, throbbing, or pulsation in inner parts; pressing as of a heavy load; vibration like dull tingling or buzzing in the body.-< In early morning; forenoon; evening, particularly before falling asleep; on waking; stooping; during inspiration; while in company; while coughing; after coitus; after eating; from exertion of the mind; during fever; female complaints generally; from loss of fluids; masturbation; music; milk; fat pork; during and after perspiration; during pregnancy; riding in a car; from riding on horseback, in a swing, &c.; from sexual excesses; during first hours of sleep; in snow air; from stretching the affected part; while nursing a child; from water and washing; from getting wet; females having leucorrhoea; during confinement esp.-> From drawing up the limb; moving; exertion of body; drinking cold water; in solitude; when walking quickly.-H. N. G.].-Shooting and pricking pains in the limbs, and other parts of the body.-Burning pains in different parts of the body.-Pains, which are > by external heat.-Pains, by fits, with shuddering.-Wrenching pain, esp. As if shoulder dislocated. Anus, pressure of. It is impossible to enumerate all the symptoms connected with the circulatory disturbances of SEPIA in such a work as this, only a general study of the Materia Medica can do it. The empty sensation is felt in the epigastrium and throughout the abdomen. This in chronic diarrhoeas or in constipation with stool covered with or followed by jelly-like mucus is Sepia. As if drops came out of bladder. Toothache. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. Just want the older women to know it can help them too! Dry coryza especially of left nostril. Stasis of the brain, slowness of thought, mind will not work and mental labor aggravates the headache. This is on the border land of insanity; it is quite a different state of affairs from that when a woman abused by her husband knows in her rational mind that she does not love him. There is always a sense of fullness in the rectum after stool; ineffectual straining and sweating in the effort because the patient is weak and exhausted. There is a great amount of soreness in the back, the spine aches all the way down. The bowels lose their ability to expel their contents and the patient is always constipated; constipation during pregnancy; slow, difficult stool; stool like sheep dung. It will be seen that the fever, chill, and sweat are just as erratic as can be. It affects the generative organs of both sexes, and a large number of the symptoms occurring in other organs have some relation thereto. In many instances, however, the Sepia patient is a quick patient, but the dullness of intellect is the most striking feature and it reflects itself upon the face. (3) Children who take cold readily when the weather changes. The Sepia patient is generally conscious of a spoiled stomach, sour and bitter eructations of food, of mucus and bile, sour and bitter vomiting of food and mucus; all-gone, hungry, empty feeling in the stomach sometimes not relieved by eating. 359), "affords considerable help in a certain condition of the system which we have so far only noticed in females. Other names for this homeopathic remedy: Sepia officinalis, Catfisch, Cuttlefish, Sepia, Sepia succus, Tintenfischtinte. Varicose veins. The Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke was written in 1902. Murex has great soreness and congestion of the uterus, and she is constantly reminded of the uterus. Sepia officinalis. As if she would suffocate. As if breasts were enlarged. Dreads to be alone. On the other hand night-sweat proceeds from above downward. It may be brought out in a woman who has an over-vigorous husband. Calc. Kobiety zazwyczaj „padają ze zmęczenia”. For both months between appointments, the lead up to menses was much improved in reference to the pain.

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