• Where a member refrains from voting either in favour of or against a motion.
  • 3. However terms such as ‘agenda’, ‘apologies’, ‘minutes’ and ‘business arising’ are common to most different meetings. Unlike single-round voting, this technique gives everyone an opportunity to advocate for an option they feel strongly about, and for others to change their mind after learning more from others. Proponents of walking meetings say walking meetings lead to more natural conversations and enhanced creativity. Meeting Minutes, or informally, notes, are the record of a meeting in written form. It spells out an 8-point scale for expressing support for a decision. The process repeats, with the team adding 8 ideas for each of the 8 initial aspects from the first grid. Teams may conduct a RAID analysis as part of their project planning meeting, then produce a RAID board which they can review, update, and revisit during project status meetings. Perceived Meeting Quality (PMQ) is a way to measure an attendee’s feelings about a meeting. Standing Committee: a committee which has an indefinite term of office, Standing Orders: rules of procedure governing public sector meetings, Table: to introduce a paper or schedule for noting, Taken as read: to save time, it is assumed the members have already read the minutes, Treasurer: committee official responsible for its financial records and transactions, Ultra vires: beyond the authority of the meeting to consider. There are several progressive questioning techniques designed to fit different situations. A committee's work is described in its charter and is often conducted in a series of meetings. Open Space events, or Unconferences, apply similar ideas to larger events. When the team identifies a possible resolution to an issue, the issue is removed from the issues list and may be replaced by one or more action items defining the steps the team will take to address the... An Issue Resolution Meeting is used when two parties both recognize there is a problem to solve, but they have different beliefs about how the problem should be solved. A neutral facilitator pays attention to the meeting process and seeks to ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute to the discussion but does not work to influence the decision in favor of one option or another. Non-Voting Member participants, Meeting design is the practice of creating a plan for a specific kind of meeting that includes a draft agenda and explains how to achieve the desired meeting outcomes. Try these phrases when you are in a business meeting or participating in a conference call. Psychological safety is a term used to describe whether a person feels it is safe to take a personal risk around their team members. Practitioners recognize that people are naturally predisposed to focus on things which are broken or inadequate, and they seek to combat this bias by intentionally pursuing possibilities that build on strengths. In some cases, the group will meet to discuss the decision separately and then provide a written report to the decision maker. After filling out this central box, 8 new grids are created with an idea from the first grid in the center. Brainstorming is a group technique formalized by Alex Osborn in 1939 as a way to generate a lot of ideas quickly in response to a specific problem or question. This technique is especially helpful when information is difficult to understand. To create a timeline, the facilitator adds one or two key events on a horizontal line. When all the ideas have been added, the team works to organize the ideas into clusters of related ideas without speaking. He or she often manages communication before meetings and keeps formal records of the group’s process and decisions: the minutes of the meeting. Ad hoc:from Latin, meaning 'for the purpose of', as for example, when a sub-committee is set up specially to organise a works outing. Sprinkle our list of English words of French origin into your chic conversations. A committee consists of a named subgroup of people within an organization who come together to fill a predetermined function. Use them sparingly: everyone loves to hate the overuse of corporate-speak! Straw polls work by judging majority opinion using a quick show of hands or online yes/no vote. A flip chart consists of a series of large pieces of paper which are attached at the top and which are used to present information to an audience by turning over one piece of paper at a time. Boards and committees use a consent agenda to quickly manage all the items they are legally required to address during the meeting, but which should not take up any of the board's precious meeting time. Instead, there are multiple answers that warrant further experimentation before committing to a single approach. For a less vocabulary-focussed guide to professional conversation, check out our article … Accountability is the acknowledgment of responsibility for getting things done and then reporting back to the group about results. RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. If you use a negative phrase, however, it will detail potential areas for improvement. This technique is one of the most popular brainstorming variations for design, team, retrospective, and project meetings. Causal Layered Analysis (abbreviated as CLA) is a group sense-making technique used to explore the underlying causes and worldviews contributing to a situation. We use many French words and phrases every day in English. A retrospective is a meeting that's held at the end of an iteration in Agile software development or at the completion of a project. when they are accepted by members and signed by chairman . A Training Meeting is used to transfer knowledge from one person or group to another. A proxy is a representative that has been designated to vote on someone else's behalf in a meeting. KEY PHRASES FOR MEETINGS WELCOME This book is designed to help you in your work. Notes can be public or private, and they are typically sent to the attendees just after a meeting. Asking for feedback helps the leader improve and sends a message about the importance of meeting quality to meeting participants. We need to lay off 20 people this quarter. Here is a list of the most used phrases for Opening a Meeting, Introducing the Meeting Agenda, Making your point, Commenting on Other Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing, Advising and Suggesting, Summarizing and more. Established teams, boards, and committees may also adopt a set of standing ground rules that cover all of their... Group decision support software helps organizations make decisions using best-practices at scale. Mind Mapping is a visual way to represent a central idea and related themes. An observer is a meeting role granted by some organizations to non-members to allow them to monitor or participate in the organization's activities. Match. Words and phrases used in and about meetings, with definitions - free for students of business English who need to learn business vocabulary. Many people believe that consensus is the same thing as unanimous agreement, but this is not necessarily the case. Experts on remote... An ice breaker is an activity, game, or event that is used to welcome and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting. By DeskDemon.com. In contrast to long-term planning (which begins with the current status and lays down a path to meet estimated future needs), strategic planning begins with the desired-end and works backward to the current status. Before the group leaves the meeting, each person takes a turn sharing one word or phrase about how they're feeling regarding the work completed during the meeting. The classic structure for group decision-making meetings includes these phases: Diverge -> Emerge - > Converge. Most facilitators... Facipulation is the sneaky underhanded application of facilitation techniques used in an attempt to manipulate a group towards a pre-determined outcome. The Strategic War Room, contributed by Krister Forsberg, provides a way for leadership teams to come to a common understanding of insights about the organization. Excuse me for interrupting. Presided over by a chairperson of the organization, the quorum, rules, and responsibilities for board meetings will be documented in the organization's operating agreements and may need to meet government requirements. Please note that the fictitious initials ’AJC’ are used to denote the participant’s name. We advise you to read it regularly and keep it within easy reach. Activity modeling is a method used to illustrate how a system works. The term is used most often in meetings that also include time spent working in smaller groups. Teams that use a decision tree often draft the tree together in a meeting on a whiteboard. Facilitation skills include: The term facilitator can refer to a person's profession or their role in a specific meeting. It’s a technique that you can use in many different types of meetings. And hey — if you have corrections or additions, please don't hesitate to contact us! Liberating Structures describes TRIZ as meeting exercise designed to help groups identify counterproductive things they may be doing and find ways to stop (let go) the unhelpful activities. While participants may have an opportunity to ask questions or answer short polls, webinars are not considered a collaborative meeting. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Connectivity problems are more noticeable and have a greater negative impact on online meetings than on most other forms of Internet use. Each axis is divided into two sections (example: low cost/high cost and easy/difficult). An Introduction Meeting is used to determine whether the people involved wish to create a relationship and work together again in the future. The Johari window was developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham as a technique for people to better understand how a person perceives themselves and is perceived by others. Teams use the Polarity Map® technique in meetings to explore the benefits and problems with opposing factors, or poles, that play against each other when making a decision, especially when both alternatives have relatively equal validity. Breakout groups are used as a large group discussion technique designed to increase participation. A meeting cadence is a pattern of regular team meetings. When collected and reviewed over time, meeting feedback can give managers insight into... A fishbone diagram is a visual technique that teams use to organize their thinking and identify causes for a problem. Adopt minutes: minutes are 'adopted' when accepted by members and signed up by the chairman. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Teams conduct a force field analysis when they need to make go/no-go decisions. Lean practices focus on those activities that continuously improve all functions and processes, and involve all employees in the effort to increase the efficiency with which the organization delivers value to customers. Teams research and brainstorm the trends they see in their political environment, economic climate, community, and industry, then discuss how these changes in their operating environment create new risks and opportunities. It governs the meetings of a diverse range of organizations—including church groups, county commissions, homeowners associations, nonprofit associations, professional societies, school boards, and trade unions—that have adopted it as their parliamentary authority. Open Discussion is the term used to describe unstructured dialogue within a meeting. Created by. The most famous example is brainstorming, where a group comes up with as many different ideas as possible. Workshops are longer than the typical business meeting and require more preparation beforehand. Workshops typically involve a central trainer or facilitator who works with a set of sponsors to design the sequence of presentations, plan collaborative activities, and ensure the workshop will lead to the desired result. Let’s try it your way. Teams may use a compromise approach to making a decision when they can't agree on a single answer. Teams place the original problem statement in the center box in a 3x3 matrix, then add related themes or elements of the problem in the 8 boxes surrounding it. A B; Abstention, Choosing not to vote for or against a motion, Ad hoc, Coming together for a specific task only, Addendum : Words added to a motion that is proposed, Address the chair, This describes what a member wishing to make a contribution must stand and do, Adjourn, Closing a meeting … Standing is meant to help keep the meeting short, as no one gets too comfortable. Ground rules detail the code of conduct for a meeting, explaining the behavior that's expected of all meeting participants. Guest Presenters, Divergent Thinking describes thought processes and methods used to generate creative ideas by exploring a wide variety of ideas and perspectives. Common meeting productivity features include scheduling and invitations, agenda building and distribution, note-taking during meetings, timers, action item and decision tracking, and minutes generation. Lean practices originated in Japan at Toyota then gained widespread adoption in the manufacturing industry. Action items have a limited scope that can typically be accomplished in one to two weeks. To conduct a checkpoint at the end of an agenda item, the facilitator will quickly recap what the group just accomplished, where they are in the agenda, and what they will do next. While teams may use group decision support software during a meeting or workshop,... Groupthink describes what happens in meetings when a group focuses more on maintaining group harmony than in creating a quality outcome. To use this technique, teams draw a timeline representing the event they're evaluating on a whiteboard. Everyone else listens. To the left, they list the forces driving change, with an arrow pointing to the proposed change. In a meeting, groups can use Argument Mapping to explore the underlying assumptions behind a request and uncover other possible explanations for why they face the challenge before them. Meetings that involve people who don't know each other often start with introductions, which may be as simple as going around the room and sharing names. In a meeting context, implementing a similar process from meeting to meeting can increase the reliability of outcomes. First, I’d like to welcome you all.If there are new people in the meeting, or people from different departments who might not know each other, the chairperson may introduce them: 1. Meeting facilitators work to help everyone get all their opinions and concerns out during the meeting. A SWOT analysis may be conducted as part of an Environmental Scan in preparation for strategic planning. The Lean Coffee technique is also a fast collaborative way to create workable meeting structure when facing an... Live Cast is a term that describes the process of broadcasting real-time, live video footage or video feed to an audience accessing the video stream over the Internet. The timekeeper essentially helps the facilitator move the group through the agenda, reducing the amount of stress on the facilitator or leader who is managing the discussion. Sam's Club Employee Payroll, Judges Wig Proper Name, Isuzu Diesel Engine Oil Specifications, M4 Bayonet Reproduction, The Relative Age Of Lower Layers Of Rock Is, Nitric Acid And Acetone, Boyfriend Prioritizes Friends Over Me Quotes, Century Fc-90 Vs Titanium 125, " />
  • Where a member refrains from voting either in favour of or against a motion.
  • 3. However terms such as ‘agenda’, ‘apologies’, ‘minutes’ and ‘business arising’ are common to most different meetings. Unlike single-round voting, this technique gives everyone an opportunity to advocate for an option they feel strongly about, and for others to change their mind after learning more from others. Proponents of walking meetings say walking meetings lead to more natural conversations and enhanced creativity. Meeting Minutes, or informally, notes, are the record of a meeting in written form. It spells out an 8-point scale for expressing support for a decision. The process repeats, with the team adding 8 ideas for each of the 8 initial aspects from the first grid. Teams may conduct a RAID analysis as part of their project planning meeting, then produce a RAID board which they can review, update, and revisit during project status meetings. Perceived Meeting Quality (PMQ) is a way to measure an attendee’s feelings about a meeting. Standing Committee: a committee which has an indefinite term of office, Standing Orders: rules of procedure governing public sector meetings, Table: to introduce a paper or schedule for noting, Taken as read: to save time, it is assumed the members have already read the minutes, Treasurer: committee official responsible for its financial records and transactions, Ultra vires: beyond the authority of the meeting to consider. There are several progressive questioning techniques designed to fit different situations. A committee's work is described in its charter and is often conducted in a series of meetings. Open Space events, or Unconferences, apply similar ideas to larger events. When the team identifies a possible resolution to an issue, the issue is removed from the issues list and may be replaced by one or more action items defining the steps the team will take to address the... An Issue Resolution Meeting is used when two parties both recognize there is a problem to solve, but they have different beliefs about how the problem should be solved. A neutral facilitator pays attention to the meeting process and seeks to ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute to the discussion but does not work to influence the decision in favor of one option or another. Non-Voting Member participants, Meeting design is the practice of creating a plan for a specific kind of meeting that includes a draft agenda and explains how to achieve the desired meeting outcomes. Try these phrases when you are in a business meeting or participating in a conference call. Psychological safety is a term used to describe whether a person feels it is safe to take a personal risk around their team members. Practitioners recognize that people are naturally predisposed to focus on things which are broken or inadequate, and they seek to combat this bias by intentionally pursuing possibilities that build on strengths. In some cases, the group will meet to discuss the decision separately and then provide a written report to the decision maker. After filling out this central box, 8 new grids are created with an idea from the first grid in the center. Brainstorming is a group technique formalized by Alex Osborn in 1939 as a way to generate a lot of ideas quickly in response to a specific problem or question. This technique is especially helpful when information is difficult to understand. To create a timeline, the facilitator adds one or two key events on a horizontal line. When all the ideas have been added, the team works to organize the ideas into clusters of related ideas without speaking. He or she often manages communication before meetings and keeps formal records of the group’s process and decisions: the minutes of the meeting. Ad hoc:from Latin, meaning 'for the purpose of', as for example, when a sub-committee is set up specially to organise a works outing. Sprinkle our list of English words of French origin into your chic conversations. A committee consists of a named subgroup of people within an organization who come together to fill a predetermined function. Use them sparingly: everyone loves to hate the overuse of corporate-speak! Straw polls work by judging majority opinion using a quick show of hands or online yes/no vote. A flip chart consists of a series of large pieces of paper which are attached at the top and which are used to present information to an audience by turning over one piece of paper at a time. Boards and committees use a consent agenda to quickly manage all the items they are legally required to address during the meeting, but which should not take up any of the board's precious meeting time. Instead, there are multiple answers that warrant further experimentation before committing to a single approach. For a less vocabulary-focussed guide to professional conversation, check out our article … Accountability is the acknowledgment of responsibility for getting things done and then reporting back to the group about results. RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. If you use a negative phrase, however, it will detail potential areas for improvement. This technique is one of the most popular brainstorming variations for design, team, retrospective, and project meetings. Causal Layered Analysis (abbreviated as CLA) is a group sense-making technique used to explore the underlying causes and worldviews contributing to a situation. We use many French words and phrases every day in English. A retrospective is a meeting that's held at the end of an iteration in Agile software development or at the completion of a project. when they are accepted by members and signed by chairman . A Training Meeting is used to transfer knowledge from one person or group to another. A proxy is a representative that has been designated to vote on someone else's behalf in a meeting. KEY PHRASES FOR MEETINGS WELCOME This book is designed to help you in your work. Notes can be public or private, and they are typically sent to the attendees just after a meeting. Asking for feedback helps the leader improve and sends a message about the importance of meeting quality to meeting participants. We need to lay off 20 people this quarter. Here is a list of the most used phrases for Opening a Meeting, Introducing the Meeting Agenda, Making your point, Commenting on Other Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing, Advising and Suggesting, Summarizing and more. Established teams, boards, and committees may also adopt a set of standing ground rules that cover all of their... Group decision support software helps organizations make decisions using best-practices at scale. Mind Mapping is a visual way to represent a central idea and related themes. An observer is a meeting role granted by some organizations to non-members to allow them to monitor or participate in the organization's activities. Match. Words and phrases used in and about meetings, with definitions - free for students of business English who need to learn business vocabulary. Many people believe that consensus is the same thing as unanimous agreement, but this is not necessarily the case. Experts on remote... An ice breaker is an activity, game, or event that is used to welcome and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting. By DeskDemon.com. In contrast to long-term planning (which begins with the current status and lays down a path to meet estimated future needs), strategic planning begins with the desired-end and works backward to the current status. Before the group leaves the meeting, each person takes a turn sharing one word or phrase about how they're feeling regarding the work completed during the meeting. The classic structure for group decision-making meetings includes these phases: Diverge -> Emerge - > Converge. Most facilitators... Facipulation is the sneaky underhanded application of facilitation techniques used in an attempt to manipulate a group towards a pre-determined outcome. The Strategic War Room, contributed by Krister Forsberg, provides a way for leadership teams to come to a common understanding of insights about the organization. Excuse me for interrupting. Presided over by a chairperson of the organization, the quorum, rules, and responsibilities for board meetings will be documented in the organization's operating agreements and may need to meet government requirements. Please note that the fictitious initials ’AJC’ are used to denote the participant’s name. We advise you to read it regularly and keep it within easy reach. Activity modeling is a method used to illustrate how a system works. The term is used most often in meetings that also include time spent working in smaller groups. Teams that use a decision tree often draft the tree together in a meeting on a whiteboard. Facilitation skills include: The term facilitator can refer to a person's profession or their role in a specific meeting. It’s a technique that you can use in many different types of meetings. And hey — if you have corrections or additions, please don't hesitate to contact us! Liberating Structures describes TRIZ as meeting exercise designed to help groups identify counterproductive things they may be doing and find ways to stop (let go) the unhelpful activities. While participants may have an opportunity to ask questions or answer short polls, webinars are not considered a collaborative meeting. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Connectivity problems are more noticeable and have a greater negative impact on online meetings than on most other forms of Internet use. Each axis is divided into two sections (example: low cost/high cost and easy/difficult). An Introduction Meeting is used to determine whether the people involved wish to create a relationship and work together again in the future. The Johari window was developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham as a technique for people to better understand how a person perceives themselves and is perceived by others. Teams use the Polarity Map® technique in meetings to explore the benefits and problems with opposing factors, or poles, that play against each other when making a decision, especially when both alternatives have relatively equal validity. Breakout groups are used as a large group discussion technique designed to increase participation. A meeting cadence is a pattern of regular team meetings. When collected and reviewed over time, meeting feedback can give managers insight into... A fishbone diagram is a visual technique that teams use to organize their thinking and identify causes for a problem. Adopt minutes: minutes are 'adopted' when accepted by members and signed up by the chairman. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Teams conduct a force field analysis when they need to make go/no-go decisions. Lean practices focus on those activities that continuously improve all functions and processes, and involve all employees in the effort to increase the efficiency with which the organization delivers value to customers. Teams research and brainstorm the trends they see in their political environment, economic climate, community, and industry, then discuss how these changes in their operating environment create new risks and opportunities. It governs the meetings of a diverse range of organizations—including church groups, county commissions, homeowners associations, nonprofit associations, professional societies, school boards, and trade unions—that have adopted it as their parliamentary authority. Open Discussion is the term used to describe unstructured dialogue within a meeting. Created by. The most famous example is brainstorming, where a group comes up with as many different ideas as possible. Workshops are longer than the typical business meeting and require more preparation beforehand. Workshops typically involve a central trainer or facilitator who works with a set of sponsors to design the sequence of presentations, plan collaborative activities, and ensure the workshop will lead to the desired result. Let’s try it your way. Teams may use a compromise approach to making a decision when they can't agree on a single answer. Teams place the original problem statement in the center box in a 3x3 matrix, then add related themes or elements of the problem in the 8 boxes surrounding it. A B; Abstention, Choosing not to vote for or against a motion, Ad hoc, Coming together for a specific task only, Addendum : Words added to a motion that is proposed, Address the chair, This describes what a member wishing to make a contribution must stand and do, Adjourn, Closing a meeting … Standing is meant to help keep the meeting short, as no one gets too comfortable. Ground rules detail the code of conduct for a meeting, explaining the behavior that's expected of all meeting participants. Guest Presenters, Divergent Thinking describes thought processes and methods used to generate creative ideas by exploring a wide variety of ideas and perspectives. Common meeting productivity features include scheduling and invitations, agenda building and distribution, note-taking during meetings, timers, action item and decision tracking, and minutes generation. Lean practices originated in Japan at Toyota then gained widespread adoption in the manufacturing industry. Action items have a limited scope that can typically be accomplished in one to two weeks. To conduct a checkpoint at the end of an agenda item, the facilitator will quickly recap what the group just accomplished, where they are in the agenda, and what they will do next. While teams may use group decision support software during a meeting or workshop,... Groupthink describes what happens in meetings when a group focuses more on maintaining group harmony than in creating a quality outcome. To use this technique, teams draw a timeline representing the event they're evaluating on a whiteboard. Everyone else listens. To the left, they list the forces driving change, with an arrow pointing to the proposed change. In a meeting, groups can use Argument Mapping to explore the underlying assumptions behind a request and uncover other possible explanations for why they face the challenge before them. Meetings that involve people who don't know each other often start with introductions, which may be as simple as going around the room and sharing names. In a meeting context, implementing a similar process from meeting to meeting can increase the reliability of outcomes. First, I’d like to welcome you all.If there are new people in the meeting, or people from different departments who might not know each other, the chairperson may introduce them: 1. Meeting facilitators work to help everyone get all their opinions and concerns out during the meeting. A SWOT analysis may be conducted as part of an Environmental Scan in preparation for strategic planning. The Lean Coffee technique is also a fast collaborative way to create workable meeting structure when facing an... Live Cast is a term that describes the process of broadcasting real-time, live video footage or video feed to an audience accessing the video stream over the Internet. The timekeeper essentially helps the facilitator move the group through the agenda, reducing the amount of stress on the facilitator or leader who is managing the discussion. Sam's Club Employee Payroll, Judges Wig Proper Name, Isuzu Diesel Engine Oil Specifications, M4 Bayonet Reproduction, The Relative Age Of Lower Layers Of Rock Is, Nitric Acid And Acetone, Boyfriend Prioritizes Friends Over Me Quotes, Century Fc-90 Vs Titanium 125, " />

    terms and phrases used in meetings


    The process relies on each team member building off previous contributions by adding clarifications, challenges, and improving upon the... An RSVP is the confirmation of and response to an invitation. The term "Groupthink" was invented by social psychologist Irving Janis in 1972, who described these 8 symptoms. Groups use this exercise to help visualize events over time and see how each person's experience differs. This exercise is to test your knowledge of the most common terms used in meetings. Giving an opinion that is neutral (10 Phrases). Cohen, Melissa A.; Rogelberg, Steven G.; Allen, Joseph A.; and Luong, Alexandra, “... A PEST analysis is a sense-making technique used in strategic planning and situational analysis. The agenda is the version of the meeting plan shared with meeting attendees. Blog. Braindumping refers to brainstorming written down. You can read the full study here: Most commonly, observers rights in the meeting are restricted to observing; they can attend the meeting and listen to the conversation, but they are not expected to actively participate in the discussion and cannot vote or otherwise officially take part in decision making. A presentation is when a person communicates an idea to others. Meeting topics may be set on the agenda in advance or determined during the meeting. Abstain

    • Where a member refrains from voting either in favour of or against a motion.
    3. However terms such as ‘agenda’, ‘apologies’, ‘minutes’ and ‘business arising’ are common to most different meetings. Unlike single-round voting, this technique gives everyone an opportunity to advocate for an option they feel strongly about, and for others to change their mind after learning more from others. Proponents of walking meetings say walking meetings lead to more natural conversations and enhanced creativity. Meeting Minutes, or informally, notes, are the record of a meeting in written form. It spells out an 8-point scale for expressing support for a decision. The process repeats, with the team adding 8 ideas for each of the 8 initial aspects from the first grid. Teams may conduct a RAID analysis as part of their project planning meeting, then produce a RAID board which they can review, update, and revisit during project status meetings. Perceived Meeting Quality (PMQ) is a way to measure an attendee’s feelings about a meeting. Standing Committee: a committee which has an indefinite term of office, Standing Orders: rules of procedure governing public sector meetings, Table: to introduce a paper or schedule for noting, Taken as read: to save time, it is assumed the members have already read the minutes, Treasurer: committee official responsible for its financial records and transactions, Ultra vires: beyond the authority of the meeting to consider. There are several progressive questioning techniques designed to fit different situations. A committee's work is described in its charter and is often conducted in a series of meetings. Open Space events, or Unconferences, apply similar ideas to larger events. When the team identifies a possible resolution to an issue, the issue is removed from the issues list and may be replaced by one or more action items defining the steps the team will take to address the... An Issue Resolution Meeting is used when two parties both recognize there is a problem to solve, but they have different beliefs about how the problem should be solved. A neutral facilitator pays attention to the meeting process and seeks to ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute to the discussion but does not work to influence the decision in favor of one option or another. Non-Voting Member participants, Meeting design is the practice of creating a plan for a specific kind of meeting that includes a draft agenda and explains how to achieve the desired meeting outcomes. Try these phrases when you are in a business meeting or participating in a conference call. Psychological safety is a term used to describe whether a person feels it is safe to take a personal risk around their team members. Practitioners recognize that people are naturally predisposed to focus on things which are broken or inadequate, and they seek to combat this bias by intentionally pursuing possibilities that build on strengths. In some cases, the group will meet to discuss the decision separately and then provide a written report to the decision maker. After filling out this central box, 8 new grids are created with an idea from the first grid in the center. Brainstorming is a group technique formalized by Alex Osborn in 1939 as a way to generate a lot of ideas quickly in response to a specific problem or question. This technique is especially helpful when information is difficult to understand. To create a timeline, the facilitator adds one or two key events on a horizontal line. When all the ideas have been added, the team works to organize the ideas into clusters of related ideas without speaking. He or she often manages communication before meetings and keeps formal records of the group’s process and decisions: the minutes of the meeting. Ad hoc:from Latin, meaning 'for the purpose of', as for example, when a sub-committee is set up specially to organise a works outing. Sprinkle our list of English words of French origin into your chic conversations. A committee consists of a named subgroup of people within an organization who come together to fill a predetermined function. Use them sparingly: everyone loves to hate the overuse of corporate-speak! Straw polls work by judging majority opinion using a quick show of hands or online yes/no vote. A flip chart consists of a series of large pieces of paper which are attached at the top and which are used to present information to an audience by turning over one piece of paper at a time. Boards and committees use a consent agenda to quickly manage all the items they are legally required to address during the meeting, but which should not take up any of the board's precious meeting time. Instead, there are multiple answers that warrant further experimentation before committing to a single approach. For a less vocabulary-focussed guide to professional conversation, check out our article … Accountability is the acknowledgment of responsibility for getting things done and then reporting back to the group about results. RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. If you use a negative phrase, however, it will detail potential areas for improvement. This technique is one of the most popular brainstorming variations for design, team, retrospective, and project meetings. Causal Layered Analysis (abbreviated as CLA) is a group sense-making technique used to explore the underlying causes and worldviews contributing to a situation. We use many French words and phrases every day in English. A retrospective is a meeting that's held at the end of an iteration in Agile software development or at the completion of a project. when they are accepted by members and signed by chairman . A Training Meeting is used to transfer knowledge from one person or group to another. A proxy is a representative that has been designated to vote on someone else's behalf in a meeting. KEY PHRASES FOR MEETINGS WELCOME This book is designed to help you in your work. Notes can be public or private, and they are typically sent to the attendees just after a meeting. Asking for feedback helps the leader improve and sends a message about the importance of meeting quality to meeting participants. We need to lay off 20 people this quarter. Here is a list of the most used phrases for Opening a Meeting, Introducing the Meeting Agenda, Making your point, Commenting on Other Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing, Advising and Suggesting, Summarizing and more. Established teams, boards, and committees may also adopt a set of standing ground rules that cover all of their... Group decision support software helps organizations make decisions using best-practices at scale. Mind Mapping is a visual way to represent a central idea and related themes. An observer is a meeting role granted by some organizations to non-members to allow them to monitor or participate in the organization's activities. Match. Words and phrases used in and about meetings, with definitions - free for students of business English who need to learn business vocabulary. Many people believe that consensus is the same thing as unanimous agreement, but this is not necessarily the case. Experts on remote... An ice breaker is an activity, game, or event that is used to welcome and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting. By DeskDemon.com. In contrast to long-term planning (which begins with the current status and lays down a path to meet estimated future needs), strategic planning begins with the desired-end and works backward to the current status. Before the group leaves the meeting, each person takes a turn sharing one word or phrase about how they're feeling regarding the work completed during the meeting. The classic structure for group decision-making meetings includes these phases: Diverge -> Emerge - > Converge. Most facilitators... Facipulation is the sneaky underhanded application of facilitation techniques used in an attempt to manipulate a group towards a pre-determined outcome. The Strategic War Room, contributed by Krister Forsberg, provides a way for leadership teams to come to a common understanding of insights about the organization. Excuse me for interrupting. Presided over by a chairperson of the organization, the quorum, rules, and responsibilities for board meetings will be documented in the organization's operating agreements and may need to meet government requirements. Please note that the fictitious initials ’AJC’ are used to denote the participant’s name. We advise you to read it regularly and keep it within easy reach. Activity modeling is a method used to illustrate how a system works. The term is used most often in meetings that also include time spent working in smaller groups. Teams that use a decision tree often draft the tree together in a meeting on a whiteboard. Facilitation skills include: The term facilitator can refer to a person's profession or their role in a specific meeting. It’s a technique that you can use in many different types of meetings. And hey — if you have corrections or additions, please don't hesitate to contact us! Liberating Structures describes TRIZ as meeting exercise designed to help groups identify counterproductive things they may be doing and find ways to stop (let go) the unhelpful activities. While participants may have an opportunity to ask questions or answer short polls, webinars are not considered a collaborative meeting. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Connectivity problems are more noticeable and have a greater negative impact on online meetings than on most other forms of Internet use. Each axis is divided into two sections (example: low cost/high cost and easy/difficult). An Introduction Meeting is used to determine whether the people involved wish to create a relationship and work together again in the future. The Johari window was developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham as a technique for people to better understand how a person perceives themselves and is perceived by others. Teams use the Polarity Map® technique in meetings to explore the benefits and problems with opposing factors, or poles, that play against each other when making a decision, especially when both alternatives have relatively equal validity. Breakout groups are used as a large group discussion technique designed to increase participation. A meeting cadence is a pattern of regular team meetings. When collected and reviewed over time, meeting feedback can give managers insight into... A fishbone diagram is a visual technique that teams use to organize their thinking and identify causes for a problem. Adopt minutes: minutes are 'adopted' when accepted by members and signed up by the chairman. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Teams conduct a force field analysis when they need to make go/no-go decisions. Lean practices focus on those activities that continuously improve all functions and processes, and involve all employees in the effort to increase the efficiency with which the organization delivers value to customers. Teams research and brainstorm the trends they see in their political environment, economic climate, community, and industry, then discuss how these changes in their operating environment create new risks and opportunities. It governs the meetings of a diverse range of organizations—including church groups, county commissions, homeowners associations, nonprofit associations, professional societies, school boards, and trade unions—that have adopted it as their parliamentary authority. Open Discussion is the term used to describe unstructured dialogue within a meeting. Created by. The most famous example is brainstorming, where a group comes up with as many different ideas as possible. Workshops are longer than the typical business meeting and require more preparation beforehand. Workshops typically involve a central trainer or facilitator who works with a set of sponsors to design the sequence of presentations, plan collaborative activities, and ensure the workshop will lead to the desired result. Let’s try it your way. Teams may use a compromise approach to making a decision when they can't agree on a single answer. Teams place the original problem statement in the center box in a 3x3 matrix, then add related themes or elements of the problem in the 8 boxes surrounding it. A B; Abstention, Choosing not to vote for or against a motion, Ad hoc, Coming together for a specific task only, Addendum : Words added to a motion that is proposed, Address the chair, This describes what a member wishing to make a contribution must stand and do, Adjourn, Closing a meeting … Standing is meant to help keep the meeting short, as no one gets too comfortable. Ground rules detail the code of conduct for a meeting, explaining the behavior that's expected of all meeting participants. Guest Presenters, Divergent Thinking describes thought processes and methods used to generate creative ideas by exploring a wide variety of ideas and perspectives. Common meeting productivity features include scheduling and invitations, agenda building and distribution, note-taking during meetings, timers, action item and decision tracking, and minutes generation. Lean practices originated in Japan at Toyota then gained widespread adoption in the manufacturing industry. Action items have a limited scope that can typically be accomplished in one to two weeks. To conduct a checkpoint at the end of an agenda item, the facilitator will quickly recap what the group just accomplished, where they are in the agenda, and what they will do next. While teams may use group decision support software during a meeting or workshop,... Groupthink describes what happens in meetings when a group focuses more on maintaining group harmony than in creating a quality outcome. To use this technique, teams draw a timeline representing the event they're evaluating on a whiteboard. Everyone else listens. To the left, they list the forces driving change, with an arrow pointing to the proposed change. In a meeting, groups can use Argument Mapping to explore the underlying assumptions behind a request and uncover other possible explanations for why they face the challenge before them. Meetings that involve people who don't know each other often start with introductions, which may be as simple as going around the room and sharing names. In a meeting context, implementing a similar process from meeting to meeting can increase the reliability of outcomes. First, I’d like to welcome you all.If there are new people in the meeting, or people from different departments who might not know each other, the chairperson may introduce them: 1. Meeting facilitators work to help everyone get all their opinions and concerns out during the meeting. A SWOT analysis may be conducted as part of an Environmental Scan in preparation for strategic planning. The Lean Coffee technique is also a fast collaborative way to create workable meeting structure when facing an... Live Cast is a term that describes the process of broadcasting real-time, live video footage or video feed to an audience accessing the video stream over the Internet. The timekeeper essentially helps the facilitator move the group through the agenda, reducing the amount of stress on the facilitator or leader who is managing the discussion.

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